TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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TPAM defends zombies possibly because he has another life.
Actually, I defend life because I have zombies. But you were close.

TPAM knows every bit of dialogue from "They Call Me Mr. Tibbs" front to back.
Tpam needs a new tie.
Can I use your hat?

TPAM has a secret addiction to dog kibble.
tpam likes to B-B-Q stray dogs on the grill.
Only because cats are so tiny that they keep slipping through the grill.

TPAM likes BBQ sauce on her secret addiction.
tpam picks up roadkill for dinner.
They're not much in the conversation department, but they never hog the gravy boat.

TPAM has a gravy boat in the shape of a litter box.
tpam sleeps in a canoe in his basement.
TPAM makes a living signing up for clinical trials.
tpam likes to take pictures.
TPAM greases lightning.




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