TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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nope, I've actually never had a spiked watermelon. hey! ......THAT's what possessed you to push that watermelon out of the lake! You're a spiked watermelon addict!

TPAM is now jonesing for a spiked watermelon & wondering how she might get her paws on another one.
nope got my paws on a coors light.

tpam has her hair in a pony tail.
nope. got 4" cut off it not long ago. ;-p

TPAM takes her hat off & kicks back to enjoy her coors light.
yes I do.

tpam once went on a tropical vacation.
Well, I have, yes. and actually, I reunited w/someone not long ago that I'd met on a tropical vacation over 20 years ago! He joined tbd, and shared this pic of us w/me. talk about a blast from the past! L@@k @ that 80's hair I'm sporting! ;-p

TPAM is rotfl. '-)
no, not laughing. you look pretty, he looks cool.
Great photo.

tpam likes to decorate.
TPAM likes to shred new decorations.
Tpam is mean to cats. :(
TPAM tapes seasonal decorations to the inside of his living room window.
(actually, Beth, it's what I do for a living)
TPAM has many messages from Mel Gibson.
nope. I do not hang w/mean people.

TPAM's novacaine is wearing off now.




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