TBD on Ning

Do you bake from scratch or from a box???

What's your culinary skill level on a scale of 1-10?

Out of necessity I'm learning to cook and really enjoying it...especially baking. Send tips or recipes

BTW I made the cake below.....cream cheese pound cake


This is now Bob Stepp's recipe exchange.....share your secrets!!!!  not off the back of a Betty Crocker box!!


Tags: cakespiescookies, followtherecipe, friedanything, hostesscupcakes, littledebbieblech

Views: 112

Replies to This Discussion

I hate cooking....

....and baking.

I prefer dining out, but economic concerns dictate that I prepare most of my food.

I do eat free (and freely) at the rib joint, but that work is very sporadic.
UPDATE! Tonight I sauteed a marinated (and rolled in bread crumbs) chicken breast. Normally I would buy chicken thighs instead, but the store was out the last time I needed chicken. I also had some store bought potato salad. All in all, not too bad of a meal.
Sounds good to me.
I like food ......
I like food, too, Jack.
I'm not a baker, but I do enjoy cooking. I'd say my culinary skill level is above average.
I'm not quite a foodie, but I do enjoy the company of foodies.
My ex was passionate about food and a very good cook. He enjoyed cooking lots of different cuisines -
Thai, Lebanese, Italian... We entertained a lot in our home & regularly had a few, or even several friends over for dinner. The largest meal we ever cooked in our home served about 30 people - and I actually pulled off seating all 30! (just by the skin of my teeth, in the formal living room & formal dining room. It was a great challenge; I enjoyed it)
He had the serendipitous privilege of cooking risotto for Julia Child once. Isn't that the BOMB?!

I just received a recipe today for a cold melon-strawberry-green tea soup that looks refreshing.
Want it? I'll go look for it. brb...
Cantaloupe, Strawberry & Green Tea Soup


1 1/2 cups ripe cold cantaloupe, cut into 1-inch chunks
1 cup ripe strawberries, hulled
1/2 cup cold brewed unsweetened green tea
8 fresh blackberries or small strawberries, for garnish
4 tiny mint sprigs, for garnish)


In a blender, puree cantaloupe and strawberries. With blender running, add tea through feed tube and process until smooth. Evenly divide soup in shallow bowls. Add 2 blackberries or strawberries in center of each bowl and place mint sprig between the berries for garnish.
Thank you, Ma'am...
Here's a quick meal that you can throw together in about 5 minutes, for when you're hungry right this minute, or tired, or just not in the mood to cook. It's really quite good:


Cooked chicken, like Rotisserie Chicken; 1 serving, cut in bite-sized pieces
1/3 - 1/2 bag (depending on how hungry you are) of fresh Stir Fry Veggies (Eat Smart is the brand I buy)
a little Soy Sauce, about 1-2 teaspoons, I'd say
a little Sweet Chili Sauce, maybe 1 Tablespoon (I use Maggi brand)
a VERY LITTLE, like just several drops, Hot Chili Sauce (I use Sriracha)

That's it! Stir it up, pop it in the microwave for about a minute & a half
Stir; microwave another minute & voila! a nice, fresh dinner is served!
You can serve this with or over rice, but I usually just have it on its own.

Stir loves Srirachna...its his main condiment! Sometimes Stir stirs it into his recipes. Stir fries stir fries with it too.
I think I picked a winner! '-)


Sounds quite good!
I've never cooked much with hot or chili sauce....I take it a little goes a long way....




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