TBD on Ning

Post a song using the last letter of the previous song.

How about if it gets difficult we can also use a word from one song title to the next?

It's not necessary, but if you're so inclined, please include the song for our listening pleasure! '-)

Tags: Game, Music, Song_Game, Songs

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"Everybody's talking about the girl who went and killed the delivery man,
But she looks so kind and gentle, it just doesn't stand to reason,
I saw her right there just the other night as stately as a slot machine,
But when she looked my way something mad as hell came over me,

Anesthesia, Mona Lisa, I've got a little gun, here comes oblivion,
I never loved you, how did you find me?
The cops will never prove complicity now,

All good children go to heaven!

I remember your face that august night
when we lied about the beautiful time to come
And that crazy old man who came much too late and caused a chain reaction,
I've been hanging out here for eleven long years like a church mouse
wondering where the cat as gone
And looking at you now is driving me to distraction,

Anesthesia, Mona Lisa, I've got a little gun, here comes oblivion,
I never loved you, how did you find me?
The cops will never prove complicity now,

mmm mm mmm.... one of my favorite artists. I'm going to see him in Asheville, NC next Thursday night, w/the love of my life. Does it get any better than that? I don't think so. '-)
I saw him here a few months ago. Been longing to see him again ever since.

Ladies & gentlemen, may I present to you.... Mr. Amos Lee...

"Arms of a Woman"

yep. it's gonna be a lot of Amos Lee for the next week. '-)

Not if I can prevent it.

No Love Lost - Joy Division

hmmm... is that a challenge, oh, Ubuwonconubu?

Amos Lee's The Wind

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap


"Sweet Pea"

Everyone loves a cheater. *rolls eyes*

A different Amos...Moses.

okay, that's a fun song, I gotta admit.

hey! are you rolling your eyes at ME?? sigh.... @@

Nice segué, let's keep it going...




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