Arianna Huffington: After extensively documenting why my claim (made during a dust-up with Liz Cheney on This Week) that Halliburton had defrauded American taxpayers of "hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraq" was true, turned around and rated the statement "Half True." It was an object lesson in equivocation, and a prime exhibit of the kind of muddled thinking that dominates Washington and allows the powerful to escape accountability -- and our corrupt no-accountability status quo to continue wreaking havoc on our country. It's a favorite trick of those in power: using ambiguity and complexity as a sort of chemical dispersant on the truth. Dilute it enough and it becomes unrecognizable. So it's worth returning to the scene of the crime to do a little CSI exam of the evidence and see what we can conclude from PolitiFact's head-scratching conclusion. Click here to read more.
Tags: Arianna Huffington, BP, Huffington Post, Lies, Oil Disaster,