TBD on Ning

....another silly game.  A & Q    (answers and questions)
Give an answer and the next person has to generate a question for that answer
then give another answer for someone else to respond to.


How does my bra feel at the moment?

a grope
What did Pru get last month?


Tags: Answers, Game, Questions

Views: 2681

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what they call a ditzy blonde!

What do you call a happy orgasm? (of course, is there any other kind? '-)

land line
What should be obsolete but is not?

What often feeds egos, greed, oppression and suppression?

what we did at the steak restaurant when they fell off the grill onto the floor.

jungle bookie?
Who's that guy that takes bets on how soon our rainforests will be depleted?

political idiots (oops, did I just type that out loud?)
Who else besides the religious idiots are taking the world and the human race to hell in a handbasket?

RAID...that could be for humans or bugs/bees!

What is the latest clothing size?

upper deck
With friends like Ubu teaching us disgusting things like 'upper decks', who needs enemies?? :-P

What is d's girl planning for Ubu?

oops! did I question my own answer? '-)

I want to thank d's for expanding my knowledge. I had to see how using "upper deck" as in a baseball stadium was twisted into something "disgusting." From now on I'll google a word first before posting it. Sheesh.

What is the hot board game today?

dog (I should be safe with this one.) *crosses fingers*




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