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Carr Lucas
  • Male
  • Washingto, DC
  • United States
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  • Risha Namaste
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  • Mary Kauffman
  • sue
  • ernest   camel

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About Me:
Below is my standard blog. I add to it from time to time. I have accumulated the pieces and parts below over the last year. Updated 8-22-09

I was raised in a lower middle class neighborhood (my playmates were the children of policemen, firemen, body shop workers, LPN’s, etc.). When I was 13 (8th grade) I was sent off to an exclusive English style boarding school. I learned to play golf there, but most of the kids rode polo horses in riding gear (felt hats and knee high boots) in the afternoon.

I have a lot of contradictions about me.

I score in the top 2% of the population on standardized IQ tests and in the top 10% on Achievement tests (if I were not so lazy I would score in the top 2%). I am an underachiever.

My High school GPA was 1.6 (13 C’s, 5 D’s, 1 F). My College GPA was 2.01 (This did not count grades from other colleges that I attended but did not graduate from). My Grad school GPA was 3.5. I did not take any notes in class. I spell at about a 3rd grade level.
I am socially inept (especially with women in social situations because of my shyness) I am an INTJ. INTJ (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judgment) is an abbreviation used in the publications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

I did not start talking until after the age of 2. I have a hard time communicating via the typed word. I believe I am Dyslexic. I know I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I was an over achiever.

I played tournament level chess in college and I have a very high ability to visualize and mentally manipulate objects. I am left eye dominate (shoot a rifle and bow left handed), I kick with my left foot and I write right handed. I am now blind in my right eye and I miss my vision on the right side :-(

I am agnostic and nonjudgmental on almost everything. I am curious about almost everything. How do we know what we know? Why do we behave the way we do? Good and Bad! I am honest and ethical to a fault.

I find ways to enjoy almost every movie I see. Ones that stick out are Animal House, Bridge over the River Kwai, Old Man and the Sea, Rob Roy, A Beautiful Mind, Searching for Bobby Fischer, Highlander, Strips, The Dirty Dozen, The Great Escape, Star Wars, most James Bond films. I tear up at the sad parts, which is kind of embarrassing when you are 6'5"

My favorite works of fiction are Atlas Shrugged, Stranger in a Strange Land, and most of James Michener’s and Ray Bradberry’s novels
For non-fiction -- The Stuff of Thought: Language As a Window Into Human Nature, Delivered from Distraction: Get the Most Out of Life With Attention Deficit Disorder, Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Emotional Intelligence, Survival of the Sickest: A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease, On Intelligence, The God Delusion, Freakonomics, The Body Has a Mind of Its Own, Outliers, Simplexity, Blink: the Power of Thinking Without Thinking, On Being Certain

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Carr Lucas's Blog

My daughter's advice to guys trying to find a girl

I was cleaning up an old PC that was in the family so my mother would be able to send and receive e-mails from me when I discovered the following that my daughter had posted to her facebook account. Although I don't agree with everything she has to say, I enjoyed her blog and decided to share it with my cyber friends on TBD (I had earlier shared a blog my son had posted so now I have treated them both the same).

First, a little bit of background about my daughter. While her older… Continue

Posted on January 19, 2010 at 7:31pm — 1 Comment

Luke's rant about 9/11 conspiracy theories...

My son Luke posted this a couple of years ago and I think about it when I read posts on 9/11 conspiracies.

I am a proud parent and I think he did a good job on critical thinking. Critical thinking is hard to do when you are filled with emotion...

Luke's Blog--- Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Current mood: annoyed

First off, as impactful as the events of that day were on all our lives, this date is inherently more relevant to the citizens of the big apple. That… Continue

Posted on September 13, 2009 at 8:06am — 5 Comments

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At 7:30am on March 14, 2010, d's girl said…
Thanks for the lovely words & and friend invite from weeks ago, I think..... I am rarely on here, just pop in every now & then to run some word games & ck on my old friends in the Daily Grind.
At 3:56pm on December 5, 2009, AndreaJill said…
Thanks for commenting about my pictures. The pictures you are probably referring to were taken at Versailles in France. I have never actually visited St. Petersburg but from what I understand one can find extraordinary art and architecture there.
At 8:51pm on October 25, 2009, Crazy Jane said…
Hi Carr. Yes, I am happy with where I live. That GP complex is slowly being demolished to make room for new waterfront development. I hope they leave the big gold silos, or whatever they're called. I think they are stunning.
At 6:08pm on September 7, 2009, Mary Kauffman said…
I see you have several more friends. Can't imagine why anyone would turn you down. I am new at this and don't even read profiles. Where are you from? I live in Marietta, GA, outside of Atlanta.
At 11:55pm on August 30, 2009, Tina said…

At 3:09am on August 30, 2009, Tina said…

At 3:26pm on August 29, 2009, Mary Kauffman said…
Don't I wish!! I always joke with them when I go that my names is spelled exactly the same. Usually there is one f or an extra n.
At 1:25pm on August 22, 2009, Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana said…
I am refering to Douglas Adams, and a phrase from his book:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. " In the first novel and radio series, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose. It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42. Unfortunately, The Ultimate Question itself is unknown."

I'm not quite ready to accept any new men friends at this time whom I've had not prior TBD experience with. This is not to say that I am denying your kind request. I would just like to think about it for a while.
At 12:33am on August 20, 2009, Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana said…
I see exactly your particular dyslexia. Another one who is not quite from "around here'.

I'm thinking. I'll get back to you soon. Don't leave yet. /;->
At 8:38pm on July 29, 2009, Tina said…

At 4:43pm on July 13, 2009, sue said…
my typing is awful as you will see and i also jsut kinda lurk trying to figure it all out hey whay about a beautiful mind - was i thinking of thee right movie? i think yu look and sound interesting do you have a good (odd like mine)sense of humor? maybe we can talk again sometime see ya, sue
At 7:44pm on July 12, 2009, sue said…
how do you feel about kurt vonegut jr? trout fishing in america and in watermelon sugar to name a couple. for one who seem to be very well read i can not imagine you being an underachiever. was a beautiful mind about the guy who was schizoprenic (a true story) and his whole life was unreal untul , sadly they cured him,? i think we may have a bit in common drop a line sometime , sue
At 12:35pm on July 9, 2009, Alla said…
I really loved your profile. And by the age we are in now, we all have Attention Deficit Disorder. So, you are saying you are a Dyslexic. I found 1 letter missing on the entire page, no misspellings. It does not look like you are Dyslexic.




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