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TeeBubbaDee's Comments

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At 7:02am on October 26, 2014, Aggie said…

At 5:18am on October 25, 2014, Angharad said…

At 7:27pm on October 23, 2014, Aggie said…

The nice lady is doing much better also.

At 7:18pm on October 23, 2014, Aggie said…

A lady in Houston was asking about you today.

At 10:21am on October 23, 2014, Angharad said…


Yikes, you've got my attention!

Is that part of the formula for a happy marriage?

At 1:36pm on October 21, 2014, Angharad said…

Here's a kiss just for you.

*According to the Ning guidelines of proper decorum and decency, I was compelled to crop this photo severely. All attorney fees for residual infringements will be paid for by the Free the Tatas Foundation (FTTF).

At 1:21pm on October 21, 2014, Angharad said…

Hahahaha. That qualifies as "anything else that sounds appealing."

For both of us!

At 1:19pm on October 21, 2014, Angharad said…

Just read your note.

Yup, I guess there's an up side to most everything!

Hopefully, once you get through the current raft of stuff it will be relatively smooth sailing for a while. Fingers and toes crossed.

Hugs and kisses and anything else that sounds appealing. :>)

At 1:13pm on October 21, 2014, Angharad said…

Hey, Bubba! I see your green light glowing!

Blowing kisses!

At 12:38am on October 21, 2014, Angharad said…

WHEW!!!!! Am I relieved!!!

Thank you SO much for your note, Tee! 

Yes, DD called me several hours ago to say she had spoken to you. It felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my chest. 

You've been through the ringer. You're one tough, resilient guy with a purpose. So, rest, rest, rest, and get your strength back, Bubs. I'm gonna believe that was your last unpleasant surprise for many years to come!

LOVE and good vibes to you and your wonderful Dee.  XOXOXOXOX

At 10:51pm on October 18, 2014, Angharad said…

Hadn't heard from you in a while, Bubba--I figured you were up to some mischief with Dee. :>)

But, just now, DD called to say she had read on Facebook that as of the 10th you had been in the ICU. No word since then, she says.

Sending a massive wave of prayers and good vibes your way right this second, as is DD. I'll rally my friends for a big prayer push in the morning (it's 1am). You'll be glowing firmly in the center of my meditations until I hear that you are out of the woods. Even then, you and Dee will remain in all my prayers. You feel like family.

So much love and good energy to you both, Bubba! XOXOXOXOXOX

At 7:42am on October 8, 2014, Angharad said…

At 6:47am on October 7, 2014, Angharad said…

Nipple tweaking lines can move pretty fast...

At 1:03am on October 5, 2014, Angharad said…

RATS!!! I thought he was tweaking my nipples...

At 2:54am on October 1, 2014, Angharad said…

Wow! Fantastic, Bubba! Looks like everything is moving along really fast and well! I knew you were the miracle boy! HOORAY!!!

I so glad to hear the pouch is holding, and that it's not a major pain to cath. Yeah, I'm sure the process will speed up with repetition. The schedule and the staying awake isn't so great; but, hopefully, the time between cathings will increase with time, and maybe your doc has some recommendations about how to get back to sleep. It must be a common problem at first.

On the happy side, you can send me messages in the middle of the night! Hahaha! I'm usually awake all night, so I'll just begin checking here more frequently.

We can say all kinds of naughty things. :>)

Bubba Baby, you're entitled to a little bitching and whining--you've done GOOD!!!

My love to you and the magnificent Mrs. Bubba. (I hope life is less stressful for her with a daughterless home and you doing so well!)


At 2:34am on September 28, 2014, Angharad said…

And I'm sorry back, Bubba~I've been out of commission for a while.

How did your doctor's appointment go? Healing well? Pesky drain gone (I know what a pain they are)? Any other news?

How are you feeling? Has the fever been resolved? I've had unexplained fevers, and sometimes they stay unexplained; but what matters is to get that sucker gone.:>)

I am SO happy that you can start getting on with your life!!!!! I pray that you feel better and better every day!


At 5:04pm on September 16, 2014, Angharad said…

COOL, Bubba!!!! Thank you so much for telling me. The smile on your face is most important, but I'm so VERY happy that others got a kick out of the sentiment and your fabulous way of presenting it. Wooowhoooo!

I can't tell you how proud and happy I am about the way you prepared, mentally and physically, for surgery, and about how hard you've worked at recovery! You're certainly doing your part for this wonderful outcome.


I was so certain everything was going to be okay. HOOOOOOORRRRAAAAY for all the good news!!!!

Please give DeeBubbaTee a HUGE hug for me!!! She had a rough time but, even so, she kept us all posted. How wonderful of her! And her mighty love for you definitely helped keep you safe. She deserves all the best.

Love and best wishes for a continued quick recovery!!!!


At 3:55pm on September 7, 2014, Angharad said…

So far, all great news, you wonderful Bubba you!  Heard you ran circles around the nurses.

Keep it up!!!


At 2:33pm on September 5, 2014, Angharad said…

Wooooooooooooooooooooowhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!  Just got word through Suzan (from Dee) that they were able to make the reservoir and that they're sewing you up as I type. HAPPY, HAPPY DAY!!!!

That'll be great wake up news!!!

"Give me a 'T'!! Give me an 'E'! Give me an 'E'! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TeeBubbaDee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Pantiless high splits, bobbling my big pom-poms...

I can hear Suzan in the rigging giving a happy pirate "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!!!!"

BIG love to you, Bubba, and strength for the final push.


At 1:28pm on September 5, 2014, The Dyslexic Dodger said…

Loving MyBubbaDee....



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