TBD on Ning

Thank God! Oops, I mean, thank Obama. The economic crisis is almost over, the 'war on terror' is a thing of the past and, by his own words, Obama and his administration have saved America from catastrophe.

President Obama used the occasion of a 1/10 of 1% drop in the nation's unemployment rate to claim both success and validation for his economic policies. He has valiantly brought America back from the brink of the economic chaos that was caused by his predecessor. But as is often the case with Obama, the devil is in the details.

In July, 247,000 jobs were lost. Inquiring minds question how the unemployment rate could experience even a slight drop when the stats show Americans are still losing their jobs. John Lott gives us the answer:

"The reason is simple -- the number of people who stopped looking for work rose dramatically. 637,000 additional people no longer consider themselves looking for work. This is by far the largest drop in the number of people who consider themselves in the labor force during the last year - almost twice the 358,000 increase in the people who left the labor force during June."

Using Lott's calculations, our actual unemployment rate stands at 16.3%, not the trumpeted 9.4%. Obama would have us believe this is good news. Our president would also have us believe his claim that the $1.2 trillion health care reform proposal is just the ticket to jump start the economy. (Hey, didn''t he just say he already jump started the economy?) I digress...

Now I'm not an expert, but I question how adding unsustainable debt to a record deficit to supposedly fix a non-problem is going to deliver us from financial Armageddon. But Obama says he can add 12 million illegal aliens and app. 25 million uninsured Americans to government health care rolls and this will somehow result in cost savings.

Oh, and despite his own words to the contrary in 2007, Obama now assures us that the public option proposal most assuredly won't put private insurers out of business. Whew.

Since we all know Obama doesn't lie, Americans will, once again, just have to accept the word of our Organizer in Chief. Hey, he's entitled to some slack. After all, he just ended the war on terror.

That's right. A mere six months after taking office, Obama has officially ended the war on terror. From now on, Obama has decreed that we're only at war with Al Qaeda. All our brave warriors in Afghanistan can relax now that global jihad has been vanquished.

How did Obama accomplish this amazing feat? He did it in the Democrat's time honored way. He merely redefined the terms.

'Jihad', 'war on terror' and 'global war' are no longer acceptable terms. They have been banished from the polite society the liberals, oops progressives have claimed as their own exclusive province. Case closed.

When I look back at all of Obama's accomplishments of the last six months, I feel pretty stupid for not voting for him. Had I know he had the unique ability to actually redefine reality to his own specifications, I wouldn't have spent so much time dwelling on his criminal cohorts, his socialist buddies and his terrorist 'acquaintances'. I would have had blind faith in him and not pointed out his utter lack of any real accomplishments, experience or character. Boy, do I feel silly.

I've decided that I'm finally going to jump on the Obama bandwagon - right after I check out the pig that just flew right by my window.

Views: 8

Tags: Obama, economy, jihad, wot


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Comment by OCNaturalDoc on August 23, 2009 at 11:27am
i enjoyed your post, nancy.
Comment by DJ on August 12, 2009 at 1:36am
Great post!
Comment by Bull on August 11, 2009 at 10:15am
Comment by Bull on August 10, 2009 at 6:21pm
I can't seem to get links to work so I copy some stuff here and put addresses if you want to copy and paste.

The Mystery of Mary Rosh
How a new form of journalism investigated a gun research riddle.

Julian Sanchez | May 2003 Print Edition



Meanwhile, several of the bloggers who had been writing about the controversy -- a group that included me -- drew the ire of someone called Mary Rosh. Rosh, who identified herself as a former student of Lott's who had long admired his fairness and rigor, said that it was irresponsible to post links to the survey debate without calling Lott first. This sounded odd, not only because bloggers very seldom do that kind of background research before posting a link, but because Lott had made precisely the same criticism several times in e-mails to bloggers covering the story.

A Google search revealed that Rosh had for several years been a prolific contributor to Usenet forums, where she regularly and vociferously defended the work of Lott. On a whim, I compared the I.P. address on Rosh's comment to the one on an e-mail Lott had sent me from his home. They were the same.

I posted all of this, and to his credit Lott confessed. "The MaRyRoSh pen name account," he explained, "was created years ago for an account for my children, using the first two letters of the names of my four sons."

The news spread quickly, and the second round of distributed investigation began. Bloggers unearthed old posts by "Rosh" and linked to them on their sites. Among the gems: "[Lott] was the best professor that I ever had....Lott finally had to tell us that it was best for us to try and take classes from other professors more to be exposed to other ways of teaching graduate material." Many were troubled by Rosh's apparent attempt to get an online interlocutor, who claimed to have anonymously peer-reviewed one of Lott's papers, to reveal his identity. (Lott later told The Chronicle of Higher Education that he was merely trying to force his opponent to confess that he had lied about being an academic.)

Comment by Vernon Windsor on August 10, 2009 at 3:13pm
And all is revealed...
Comment by Quinn on August 10, 2009 at 12:50pm
So far, John Lott has excellent credibility.
That's a joke. Right? You can't possibly be serious?
Comment by Slayer Dug on August 10, 2009 at 12:18pm
Funny how George W. Bush gets all the blame for our country's sorry state while Lord God Obama gets all the praise for his administration's policies. Bush did not run our country into the ground on his own. Every administration as far back as Nixon has had a hand in running our country into the ground and offering our sovereignty as a nation to China, Saudi Arabia,The Trilateral Commission and The Council On Foreign Relations.
Nancy, I'm so glad you didn't drink the kool-aid going around on 01/20/09.
Comment by Nancy Morgan on August 10, 2009 at 10:30am
I be interested in the link...So far, John Lott has excellent credibility.
Comment by Bull on August 10, 2009 at 10:17am
Sorry didn't link. Here it is for anyone interested.
Comment by Bull on August 10, 2009 at 10:16am
I found an interesting web page about John Lott, and Mary Rosh, his sock puppet. Kind of brings his credability into question.



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