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Musings about Kona

My time here in Kailua Kona has come to a consummation and now I look back over nearly three years of experiences and wonder. I love Hawaii. What exactly do I love about Hawaii that makes me grateful that I live here rather than anywhere else on earth? Maybe I'll be able to answer that by the end of this writing. It all started in December of 2006....

I'm so excited as I get off the plane and know that I'm now a resident of the state of Hawaii. The weather is better than I imagined it. Warm, but not too warm and not too humid, like Georgia where I just left. I'm ecstatic to be here, and so hopeful of what is to come. I'm finally in the state where I'm going to spend the rest of my life. No more moving from state to state, across the country. From now on, if I move, it might be to another island, but never out of this incredibly beautiful paradise. I'm in Hilo, and need to get over to Kona to find a job and a place to live. The thought of meeting new people and making friends excites me, as well as enrolling in school to finally get my RN degree. To the observer, I should feel scared having just moved to a place where I knew nobody and had no job and no place to live, but I feel only hope and faith and joy at finally arriving at my destination.

In roughly 3 weeks, I have a place to live, a new job and have met many nice people. It seems like everyone is nice. How can you not be nice with such beautiful surroundings in which to live? I'm an explorer at heart, and so I began exploring my surroundings. I went on hikes across lava fields looking for secret beaches and places off the beaten track. Snorkeling became a fun past-time for me. The wonders of the under-water world were amazing...the beautiful fish...so colorful. It was fun, but always there was the presence of fear, the edge of terror, hoping a huge fish wasn't behind me waiting to swallow me whole, or a rip current to drag me out to the depths. I still have fear, nearly 3 years later when I jump in the ocean off the rocks and feel the surge of the swells coming in and going out. The power of the ocean amazes me every time I go to the beach and watch the waves crash and the ocean swell and recede. I wonder how our little land mass holds back the incredibly awesomeness that is the ocean. I then am reminded that its God that holds it back. If it wasn't for God, our little dot of an island would be consumed by the trillions of gallons of water like it was a speck of dust.

My first year here is spent with lots of exploring. I drive to new beaches weekly. I have nobody to go with me, having not made any friends that I feel close enough to, to invite along with me. By April, I've moved out of the little room that I rented from Satan. That's a long story in itself and not a very pleasant one. But suffice it to say, I felt very fortunate to have found a place in town with such a great view. My car had arrived from California where I shipped it. That was not too fun to be without transportation. Try looking for a job when you live like 7 miles from town and only your 2 legs to get you to and from the places you are trying to become employed with. Walking up and down Palani Rd was an adventure to say the least. It all worked out in the end, however, and soon I had my car and a studio apartment that I loved and a job that I loved. Life was good.

One major event was when I got my first computer. I believe it was December of 2007 and I had an online class I was going to take through UH Manoa. I needed a computer, so I bought one at Walmart for about $800.00. I'm still using it to this day. I was on this computer that I was introduced to the wonders of the internet. I had, of course, been on computers before, but never owned one so I had limited time to explore some of the more popular websites. Now, having my own, I made up for lost time and joined many of the social networks as well as dating sites. I figured that if I couldn't meet people in person, maybe I could meet them online. What an adventure was awaiting me.

Previously in life, I had been occasionally exposed to people who might be described as free-spirited. Some might call them granolas, tree-huggers, earth muffins, hippies, new-agers, etc. I had certainly met a few when living in Santa Cruz, CA. What is it about beach communities, I asked myself, that brings out the crazies? My former experiences were nothing compared to what was ahead. I mean no harm to people who believe differently that I do. I was raised Catholic and became a Christian when I was 16, so I never really was exposed to the teachings of the new age movement. Where I had spent time living, those teachings were in the minority compared to the doctrines of Judeo-Christianity, especially in Georgia, where I had just come from. Now here, in Hawaii, it seemed like every other person I met was a Reiki practicing, dred-wearing, weed-smoking, ocean worshipper who didn't believe in showering very often and if they were women, didn't believe in using a razor....ever.

The first up-close and personal experience I can remember was the day after Paul Newman died. The reason I know it was that day was because I was informing my date, C, that Paul Newman had died yesterday. Upon hearing that terrible news, she stopped in her tracks and prayed to......Paul Newman. What?!? Did Paul become a deity and I missed it? I thought for sure that would make the front page of some publication. I had read about his death, but nothing about his godhood. She thanked him for his life and etc. and etc. Then she proceeded to tell me how he, even in his old age, was still f*ckable. Hmmmmmm............ I think I need to get out of here. It was, needless to say, my last date with C.

After C, I had an on and off, 1 year relationship with B. I was head-over-heels in love with B. She was a sophisticated new-ager. She respected all beliefs, had studied most of them, and seemed to have a deep faith in God even though her idea of who he was was somewhat different from mine. As I said, my beliefs are basic Judeo-Christian in nature. Hers were seemingly a blend of about 92 different faiths and that apparently worked for her. She was the first person who I would describe as spiritual, but not religious. I kept reading that phrase on women's profiles on the different dating sites...”spiritual but not religious”. I found out, eventually, that it was code for: I'm a flaming tree-hugger, and I probably don't shave under my arms, nor to I bathe regularly. I not only have questionable hygiene, but I have off-the-wall beliefs about life and good vs. evil and UFO's that land in Kealakekua bay that we can't see because they are invisible. Now they can't see these UFO's, but they just know that they exist and are communicating with a select few of the human race, but they can't believe in God, because they have no evidence that he exists. I grew to despise that phrase. Fortunately, B wasn't one of those types of “spirituals”, her hygiene was impeccable and she liked normal things like movies and books and was a confessed geek about farming and science in general, all very attractive qualities.

I loved B, but unfortunately didn't really hit it off with most of her friends. They were either hyper-anti-meat-lovers, UFO worshippers, lesbians, fanatical aromatherapists, or some other extremist. B seemed to be balanced in her practices. She didn't like doctors, but neither did I, but she would go to one if she needed to. She was into aromatherapy, but it wasn't the be-all and end-all of health-care. I appreciated that about her. To make a long story short, we ended up separating as romantic partners, but continued on being friends.

I couldn't seem to meet any normal women. The ones that were normal were off limits, either married or engaged or something. Wherever I went, I ran into an earth-muffin. Case in point: I'm out walking down on Alii drive taking pictures for an friend I met online that wanted some of Kona's general scenery. I ran into a woman named N. She was a former nurse who got tired of giving drugs to patients and having them not get any better. She said the universe told her to move to Hawaii. Yes, you read that correctly, the universe told her. I've never spoken to the universe. For some stupid reason I thought the universe was made up of billions and billions of planets and stars and super novas and nebulas and black holes and stuff. I didn't know it had a voice and was speaking to these little specks on planet earth called people....stupid me. I think I'd rather have the one who created the universe speak to me, but hey....I digress. So N is over here and she's doing her thing, going around from place to place letting that crazy universe guide her and tell her what to do. I should have just said, “of course it told you to come here, it tells everyone to come here”. The other day I was at Borders and met a woman who was just in from Switzerland. So I'm thinking that it might be nice to get to know someone from another country. So ended up going out to lunch, and then for a walk. We get to one of the Hawaiian historical sites and she decides she is going to meditate near the wooden statues of old Hawaiian warriors. (Red Flag) She said the M word...not a good sign. Sure enough, she got a message from the warriors that was passing through her to the warriors she had met in New Zealand, she was just a conduit. She was the reincarnation of one of the Hawaiian warriors and blah, blah, blah...I couldn't take it anymore. I can't get away from the nuts. This place is a nut magnet.

So most recently what has happened to me is that I was accepted into nursing school which I have been trying to get into for like 4 years. That was a true miracle. I was suppose to have taken all my prerequisites for grades in order to be accepted. I, however, tested out of several of the classes without getting a grade, just a pass. The nursing school initially rejected me, but upon much prayer and help from my nursing advisor, they made an exception and allowed me into the program. Thus, my work in Kona is done and its time to move to Hilo, where the nursing school is. I thank God for having mercy on me and helping me through all the difficult times. Now I can meet more whale-worshipping, hippies on the other side of the island. My question remains, are there any normal women on this island?

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Tags: hawaii, kona


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