TBD on Ning

Giving Up On TBD and Going Along With Ning? ...WHY?

OK...so, I was away for a while and didn't log onto TeeBeeDee for a few months. OK...so, it was six months.

But when I came back with vim and vigor ready to put my two cents worth in, lo and behold!...the site was slateted for shut down! WHY?

But not so much was the question, why was it shutting down, so much as why was everyone saying, "Thanks for the laughs, it was fun while it lasted, let's now go over to Ning." What? No fight? No "Hey, wait a minute, I'm hooked; and now I'm supposed to just accept the shut down and mindlessly follow the flock over to Ning -- and smile?"

My mind is completely blown here. Kat and Robin and others put a great deal of energy, time, and money getting this site; and when it can't be maintained it just falls through the floor, and everyone migrates to Ning as if nothing happened???? What ever happened to the concept of FAMILY??? ...the the TeeBeeDee FAMILY?????

There are 40,830 memebers on TeeBeeDee, give or take a couple of members. That must tell Kat and Robin SOMETHING! So, it takes a couple of dollars a month to run a site like TeeBeeDee...ok, it takes more than a couple of dollars. But, to keep this site going, it would only take ALL of the members of TeeBeeDee a couple of dollars a month to help keep it going and in the black!

So, why are we all on Ning? I know why I'm on Ning...I'm here to fight and to gather enough momentum to get TeeBeeDee BACK! I want everyone on Ning to sit back and take a couple of moments and to think about this! What's $5 or $10 or even $1 a month out of your pocket to keep TeeBeeDee together? Is it worth it to you to donate some ice cream cone money once a month to hold onto something that makes sense?

Are all of you former TeeBeeDee-ers willing to fight to keep the site? Or do none of you remember that this is the site that many of us turned to in our times of need? Kat and Robin created this site just for those times and for people like us! Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, and all of those others don't have near the insight that TeeBeeDee has provided to lost souls like mine where almost a year ago I thought I would die of stress and hurt. I know it helped me through my loss of my beloved partner to cancer.

Where are all of you??? Aren't you willing to fight to keep this site? How committed are you to save TeeBeeDee???? I'm down for $10 a month and about 30 other members are pledging funds as well.

Leave your comments on TeeBeeDee itself in the following discussion. Pledges are being taken now as we read and comment. Cut and paste the link below into your URL. Ning doesn't seem to be with the times where one can access it directly from this blog post.


We ALL can make a difference if we ALL participate.

Make your pledge TODAY and let Kat and Robin know about it!!!!!

Views: 10

Tags: Kat, Robin, TBD, TeeBeeDee, closure, down, shut


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Comment by Mrs. Alendar on July 4, 2009 at 9:07am
Me, too! I am willing to pay *almost* anything...
Comment by C Raine Zima on July 3, 2009 at 7:13pm
Count me in, too.. Raine
Comment by Faye Greener on July 3, 2009 at 3:53pm
I'm in.



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