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All Blog Posts Tagged 'in' (4)

Love Can Destroy

I was on Facebook, as I am just about everyday, and they have a way of suggesting a friend you should invite. I noticed a name came up, and it really caught my attention.(it usually is someone that one of your friends has listed as a friend) This time it was very different. It was a man that I had communicated with over 5 years ago as a friend. He and I were friends, and it had possibilities of heading in a romantic direction, but he met someone that he just loved and adored with all his heart.… Continue

Added by blondie 11 on August 23, 2009 at 9:42am — 6 Comments

Is It About YOUR Rights or and old fashion LYNCHING PARTY

Sorry folks but I do not think anyone of us has the right to carry a loaded weapon anywhere near a president. The president has not threatened to take anyones guns away, so saying you are carrying it because it is a right you STILL have implies you think you might not have it for long.

A riffle has a two mile range, and I don't think these gun toters were that far from the president. THIS IS SOME CRAZINESS. These same people will be the ones complaining when after some DOES get hurt… Continue

Added by Grace Linda on August 18, 2009 at 5:01am — 13 Comments

Prepare for a Challenging Future

Complacency in America is coming to an end. Those who are complacent will not fare well through coming economic, cultural and political turmoil, as they will be forced to adapt and learn new skills. People who are adaptable, self-reliant and determined will find plenty of success in whatever follows our nation's upcoming changes.

You have more options than you may think. You are not stuck in any particular job or health status. You can change your circumstances by making new,… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on July 27, 2009 at 2:31pm — 11 Comments

Butterflies in Sonnet

Butterflies in Sonnet

They hovered near like monarchs in the night;

invading vain and raging ruminations

with lyric sound of soft and gentle flight.

To walk away, solitude's intention;

their lovely voices bid me 'Stay. Listen.'

They formed a semi-circle and they sang!

They sang so pure of love endured, I listened!

Stood rapt with awe and trembling, my heart rang!

with bitter tears unwept and raging pain . . .

Christine was but… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 15, 2009 at 5:57am — No Comments

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