Scientist with a social conscience. Trying to save the world by developing economically viable clean energy. Avid cyclist & hiker. Like wining and dining with friends. Great cook. Love international travel, especially Europe.
Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had not been here for a while; I thought the site was down due to Ning changing policies or something. I was quite surprised to get notices in my gmail regarding TBD birthday wishes. Cheers! & Season's greetings to all!
If you are living with lupus, you are no longer "living." You are waiting. Waiting to recover from one flare or for your next one to begin.
& Elliot
At 12:30am on September 8, 2009, LyndaAndLab said…
Thank you Leo..anything to do with saving the world is of interest to me. I will have to check out your site when I can find free time. This sight is starting to get me addicted again which means nothing but trouble...Tell Liz I said Hi. She has a great personality.
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I've been thinking about you. I don't know if you have been here of late, but happy birthday!
Wishing you P-E-A-C-E that takes root in our souls and spreads throughout the worlds foundation.

"We Can Change The World Graham NashLynda
& Elliot

If you are living with lupus, you are no longer "living." You are waiting. Waiting to recover from one flare or for your next one to begin.HOPE
& Elliot
Have a great start to your morning
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