TBD on Ning

Slim's Groups (7)

  • New Movie, DVD Releases

    62 members Latest Activity: Nov 1, 2013 A place where you can discuss the latest movies, whether it be new releases or DVD favorites!

  • For Women Only (a.k.a. The Women's Room)

    147 members Latest Activity: Apr 21, 2014 A safe haven for women only to discuss feminine issues, All the things that make us happy, or unhappy. Did I mention shoes? For Women Only…

  • Q&A

    172 members Latest Activity: Jun 14 This group is for everyone on TBD, so join in and ask your questions! If you don't have a question, give us the answers - we can all use them.

  • Intrepid Minds

    30 members Latest Activity: Oct 20, 2013 a place for challenging debates, playful dialogues, or friendly bantering. We strive to be free of censorship and to respect the…

  • Recipes and Cooking

    162 members Latest Activity: Feb 29

    This group is all about cooking, exchanging recipes, requesting a recipes, and help with something. Anything to do with cooking.

  • The Welcome Lounge

    229 members Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2022 A warm WELCOME to TBD on Ning ~ Please introduce (or reintroduce ) yourself and take a peek . It's a wonderful community of folks from all over the…

  • Fractured Haiku/Senryu

    76 members Latest Activity: May 12

    A place for those addicted to 5/7/5 or a more cynical, darkly funny version...Come get your fix.



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