This is TBD.
This site has a long and complicated has weathered a tough storm and while it emerged heavily wounded, it now rests in calm waters where the activity is slow and gentle. It is moored in a quiet spot where it is held together by the bonds of true friendship. It is a place for those who have passed the age of forty and seek out the camaraderie and conversation of other adults.
You are more than welcome to join in and experience the fun and affection that still resides on our languid site. The most popular places to post right now are: The Q and A Group, The main page forum, Community Prayer, and Left Wing Politics. If you feel in the mood for a laugh, a tune, a movie, a game or wish to be appreciative for the good things in your life, visit one of these groups that still see a good bit of activity:
Feel free to browse through the private groups and the ones that haven't had posts for a long time. If you wish to try to revive one or start one of your own, please feel free. While there is no promise of activity, you may just stimulate something new...or renew something forgotten.
The members of TBD are respectful of each other and even though they love to play, they also understand that there is a certain decorum observed here. Members are rarely moderated, but are expected to follow the Guidelines of TBD on ning. You are welcome to come and go, to post and participate, to give your opinions of the topics at hand or to simply lurk. Your first amendment rights will be respected, but personal attacks; excessive, cruel, derogatory or off-topic bad language; or blatant attempts to troll may be censored by the administration. Nudity and posts of a 'softly sexual' nature are permitted if they are on-topic, artistic, non exploitive, or not explicit or graphic. Members are asked to use their discretion or the owner will use discretion for them.
TBD on ning still has much to offer and is still visited daily by members who are devoted to the small environment. Growth is invited but not anticipated. We are simply here...satisfied and adjusted to a laid-back way of social networking.
Another site that sprung out of this one is called Think.Be.Do. Check it out and say 'hello' to some of the members that post there.
Relax and enjoy.
Tags: Our_TBD, fun, interests, laughter, middle-age, movies, music, over_forty, seniors
I'm on FB too much, and I have Twitter and InstraGram accounts along with G+, Quora, and many other special interest groups. But every day I come here to check in on our Wall of Gratitude. It keeps me anchored in our little metaphorical backwater of the raging torrent that is life in these here United States.
I think of TBD as like a writer's retreat in the woods near the beach in the foothills of the mountains. There is something for everyone here and we can get together at the Lodge (Remember Moosie's?) or in our little cabins or wander occasionally meeting a kindred spirit along the way.
Or maybe a bear!
Kudos on the concept, Aggie!
But not in the tornado belt or anywhere else with high winds. Maybe inside of a mammoth cave? Or an abandoned missile site?
WOW, Aggie! Talk about recycling! This feels Dr. Seuss-ian and warm and snuggly to me.
If no one else wants it, I call bony dibs on the tippity-toppity trailer. I'm ready to move in.
I call dibs on the green one just above and behind the club house.
Ah, yes--the alternate answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. :>)
© 2025 Created by Aggie.
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