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Ramblers' Realm

A warm welcome to Ramblers' Realm, --a place that dares you to open the windows of your mind --a place for self expression and rambling thoughts --a forum for fertilizing thoughts as well as friendships --your watering hole in cyberspace.

Members: 37
Latest Activity: Mar 1, 2013

I created this group with an intent to make it a safe and welcoming
place in cyberspace where we can free our minds or simply unwind.
Our members are thoughtful individuals from different states,
backgrounds, and walks of life, who are looking for a meaningful
way to communicate/converse in an informal, rambling environment.

Note: Please try your utmost to adhere to the community guidelines. I realize that
it could be hard at times as it is human nature to be fractious. I would appreciate sincerely your cooperation.

Ah, fill the cup: What boots it to repeat How time is slipping underneath our feet: Unborn To-morrow, and dead Yesterday,
Why fret about them if To-day be sweet!
(Omar Khayyam)

Discussion Forum


 It seems every time you finally know where to locate an item in your local supermarket,it gets moved again. Who are these non store employees that block the aisles with milk crates and shopping…Continue

Started by Mark Joel Lane. Last reply by CaliforniaNow Jan 29, 2013.


On a recent Saturday evening, my wife and I attended a bar-mitzvah reception at a Long Island restaurant/caterer. Our table seating card read Table NO.2 where we were seated with a bunch of strangers…Continue

Started by Mark Joel Lane. Last reply by The Wolfdancer Jan 16, 2013.

Mayor Cancels Halloween

With the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bloomberg of New York City has canceled Halloween. This way trick-or-treaters won't be meandering around in darkness or avoiding fallen trees and other…Continue

Started by Mark Joel Lane Dec 29, 2012.


The sales and marketing company I work  for encourages employees to do their civic duties.I work on a retail merchandising team. But when I was selected to serve as grand juror in Queens,NY for 2…Continue

Started by Mark Joel Lane Dec 29, 2012.

Voila Allah 2 Replies

Voila AllahSo now they've targeted world cup revelers. Honestly. What gives? Could it be Allah does not allow for a shred of fun? What a miserable god.Continue

Started by Michael J Masiko. Last reply by Baia Jul 12, 2010.

If you had a choice of what ethnic group to be born into, which one would it be? why? 5 Replies

If you had a choice of what ethnic group to be born into, which one would it be? why?"We are unique in this country in the way we describe and define race and ascribe to it characteristics that other…Continue

Tags: race

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by Steven Macon Jun 25, 2010.

What are your thoughts about metaphysics? 3 Replies

What are your thoughts about metaphysics?truth and subjective Realitypsychic capacityPhysical vs. Non-Physical Realityspiritualityreligiosityyogacreative…Continue

Tags: metaphysics

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by Maricel Evasco Jun 19, 2010.

Can you find beauty in the mundane? 2 Replies

I believe that in order to savor life to the fullest we must appreciate the mundane as well as the extraordinary because the only difference between the two is a matter of perception.Continue

Tags: life, mundane, unique

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by Snagg May 27, 2010.

NeanderDNA 3 Replies

this just in; Neanderthal in Our DNA! there's a question? seeing cereal boxes opened as tho without opposable thumbs is proof enough for Me.Continue

Started by Michael J Masiko. Last reply by Maricel Evasco May 23, 2010.

What events, circumstances, or experiences with people have made you a stronger person? 4 Replies

What events, circumstances, or experiences with people have made you a stronger person?Continue

Tags: strength

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by Maricel Evasco May 23, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Ramblers' Realm to add comments!

Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 19, 2010 at 2:52pm
What is a rambler?
#1 a person who takes long walks in the country
#2 a person whose speech or writing is not well organized

Ramblers - Ramblers are not sports like climbers; they are a distinct type of rose. Ramblers have flexible canes and flower once in early summer on canes that grew the previous year. They are very vigorous and can grow 30 feet in every direction. http://www.rosemagazine.com/pages/roseterms.asp

It be great for the discussions to grow "vigorously...in every direction"

meandering of a path e.g.; "meandering streams"; "rambling forest paths"; "the river followed its wandering course"; "a winding country road"
Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 16, 2010 at 3:18am
Thanks =-) Tim, Harley, Animak for the morning smile.
Comment by Tim E on March 15, 2010 at 8:07pm
Happy boithday, Maricel!
Comment by Harley Hans Hoglin on March 15, 2010 at 7:47pm
What animak said.
Comment by animak on March 15, 2010 at 7:03pm
Hey, Maricel! The main page says it is your birthday tomorrow. Well, tomorrow is nearly here, so take the day and make it yours! Do whatever makes the day special. Happy birthday, young lady!
Comment by thallygal on March 13, 2010 at 6:00pm
Maricel, thanks for the invite to this group........looks like might be fun
Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 12, 2010 at 6:47pm
Felicia and Brad (someone's alterego) WELCOME =-)
Felicia, I love the color scheme on your profile.
Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 11, 2010 at 2:07pm
Yoohoo. don't be shy to speak....Let's get the discussion threads going.
Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 10, 2010 at 12:58am
What a sad irony that one of the few pieces I saved of Laz's ditties (ditty) is entitled "Passing." I hope his family publish the collection of his ditties. He crafted them quite well.


life sometimes so unfair
takes others unexpectedly
disrupting another's plan
gone just like that
in a snap
makes one angry
such inner pain
numbs one's brain
seek relief
in other's warmth
their understanding
strike out at other's
whom you think
do not feel your pain
push them away
they do not understand
a living nightmare
wants to make one scream
what has become of the dream
time only softens the hurt
dazed and confused
realize weeks have passed
days not so full
what can one do
others try to lighten the load
for they know
a broken heart
heals at its own rate
comes a day
that it begins to refill
although it may be whole again
the scar will remain
passing reminders
may make it pain
then comes a day
heart smiles
memories of happier times
come to one's mind
yet the spirit
of the one
you loved
lives within
smiling together
once again


Comment by Maricel Evasco on March 10, 2010 at 12:50am
To my buddies from AOL,
I just discovered quite accidentally about Laz's passing. I didn't know =-( I shall miss him terribly. I still have a few of his wonderful ditties. Here's one. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing it with strangers.


mental whispers
emotional chords
tidal waves
shores of the past
veils of distant days
maze of daily decisions
one's own being
map less path
with heart
only a thought away
being woven
peer into a mirror


='( I'm sorry he's gone.

Members (37)




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