TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11862

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What's "rosey beans"?

Beans that are pinkish red?
Or, a woman named Rose who makes beans?

Last night I had fettucine alfredo with chicken and peas.


Tonight, I'm planning on stuffed pork chop and roasted brussel sprouts. Maybe a little ice cream for dessert.

You're rotten, that's all I have to say.


I had Italian sausage in a red sauce over pasta. It was so good I'm thinking of seconds.



I AM NOT!! [stomping foot]

If it matters, I had a late lunch so I'm not having any dinner. The chop will have to wait.



I'm having seconds right now. nah-nah-nahnahnah


...and a beer! ;-p

Are you ladies in a food fight?

hahaha.... I was game but Quinn ran off.

She talks big, but I think she's a chicken. *bawk*bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk*bawwwwk*


(let's see if that lures her out)


I've finished my seconds on pasta & red sauce w/Italian sausage.

Now I'm heading for the Pineapple Sherbet. mmm...



Baked chicken breast seasoned with taco blend, salt, pepper and fresh cilantro......corn and homemade mac and cheese. I fixed it.....she ate it. All is good.



pssst... hey, Bob- your Texas is showing. You 'fixed' it? Does your Yankee girlfriend laugh when you say that?

I bet she asks you if it was broken! hehe  '-)

Texas cookin requires fixins.

I think Bob is up to the task. 


[fik-sing]  Show IPA
the act of a person or thing that fixes.
fixings. Also, fix·in's  [fik-sinz]  Show IPA. Informal .
the necessary ingredients: salad fixings.
the appropriate accompaniments; trimmings: turkey with all the fixings.\



Is it proper that I say "he fixed supper and I done ate it?






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