TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11861

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Well thanks....I'm sure I'll rebound quickly.


H-m-m-m, some Cream of Whatever soup sounds good.

OOps, I just remembered, no milk here.
Bart's Barbeque, probably  eat a sandwich.
For SUPPER I had pinto beans, fried taters and bisquits...
Are you trying to make some sort of point??   ^o)
Me????....NNNaawww... I don't make points.
Just to insert my two cents worth into this feud. Where I have no business at all. I grew up labeling the meals as Bob does. In in my adult years I have taken to calling the meals by the names Quinn uses. Did I learn or get "above my raising" as my mother would have said? You can be the judge.
I think you're just being diplomatic & sucking up.


All day I've been thinking about these delicious Mexican style grits (shut up, Quinn, no comments from the peanut gallery) that we had at a fancy schmancy Mexican Restaurant last week. I even stopped at the grocery store on my way home from work JUST to buy the cheese & green chiles to put in them. 

I didn't feel like cooking tonight, but I just got my butt in gear & sauteed some kale in garlic & onions, got the chicken sliders out, and went to the pantry for the grits. No effin' grits. I left them at mr. hottie's house 'cause that's where we cook big breakfasts on the weekend. aaaarrrrrgh!!!!! I am so effin' frustrated! :-(


...this is the Ranting & Raving thread, right?

Whatever you think...
Grits aren't bad enough? They come in different ethnicities?




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