TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16203

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Dee is feeling better today, so we are going to open presents later this afternoon.

Not much going around here today.  The new yuppie place, the donut shop, and the new bar and grill were all closed, along with the bank and the post office and most of the hobby/trust fund baby businesses.

I stopped in and had coffee with the mean spirited conservatives, but they were thin in number and starting to wander out when I got there.  So, I got a few groceries at the store, and picked up a couple of the India/Indian takeouts from the convenience store, and went on home and just goofed around.

My daughter just went home so that marks the end of Christmas except for the mess that is left, the tree to take down and persents to find some place for. I am sure glad this only happens once a year. 

Teebs...glad Dee is better.  I can remember postponing Christmas once when all 5 of us were very sick.

Hiya Stir!  LTNS! Got snow?  None here yet.  Just an occasional teaser that clears when the sun shines.  It was 41º today.  I saw a fly sitting in a sunny spot.

Hey PA!  I leave my tree up year round..minus a few baubles and tinsel.

My dd gave me a loaded Nook..600 books and "Angry Birds".  You might not see me here much if I can get it away from Cowboy...he's easily entertained..:-)

Nope, no snow here either, Jaylee.

Sorry to hear about your postponment T...then again, Christmas is lasting longer :-)


Angry Birds is fun, J. I was sorta addicted at first, but the thrill wore off.

Words With Friends [Scrabble] is a different story, though :)


PA...you're not taking down the tree yet, are you?

What kind of presents, anything cool?


Stir, we have a new breakfast joint in town, come on over and check it out. Mostly Conservatives, but they seem to like me anyway :-))

I won't take down the tree for a few days. I got a North Face coat and some Sperry Boat shoes like the ones I have been wearing for the last 30 years. I had to give up boat shoes for a while when my knees were so bad but I can wear them again now. 

Did you get anything exciting?

Books, a purse, a scarf, earrings, mercury glass.

And, my new favorite cousin, who works for a big financial firm, got me tix for the Winter Classic on January 2. Hockey fans will understand why the rest of my new year will be all downhill after that :D

I understand, I am watching the Predators and Red Wings right now on TV. My daughter is there but I was not invited.

I knew you were a fan, I knew you would understand.

I got a battery operated Neck and Shoulder Massager, books, a fleece blanket, and gift cards. Pretty good. Been stuffing myself with good food for three days now. Not yet sure when I'll roll back down to Texas.

Q, that is a spiffy fedora.

Q, my mother got me a Christmas gift certificate to the new yuppie place.  It'll be good for about three breakfasts. 

OK, I'll try to get over to your new eatery ASAP.  Being the tepid conservative that I am, however, the patrons may not accept me as a true comrade-in-arms.

BTW, yesterday I did berate the most curmudeonly of the Brew-Ha conservatives for being the "orniest, most mean spirited person I know".  He laughed, with a puzzled look on his face.  Was I, or wasn't I, serious?

Heh, heh, heh......   




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