TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16202

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UPDATE Sad, he's doing a nightly binge and purge. I truly cannot afford to feed someone who is like this.




Heading off for what I hope to be a productive day off work.


Hope everyone has a great day today!

I think I wandered into the wrong room, I don't recognize anyone. 

Plugging along, hoping to get caught up soon. Been crazy, busy at the store.

Status... Putting up the 3rd Christmas tree. For the last couple of years we have put up a 7 ft. artificial tree. This year we decided to put up our 5 ft. 1950's aluminum tree in the front window, and the 7 ft. in the family room as usual. BUT, this year the furniture has been rearranged, and the tree goes in a different corner. The family room has a vaulted ceiling, and the tree was now in a corner against the taller wall. Dee decided it wasn't tall enough, so I had to move the 7 ft. tree to the dining room, and am now in the process of putting up a 9 ft. tree in the family room. SHeeesh!!!


Oh, I almost forgot. Every 9 ft. tree we could find was pre lite with white lights (except for one that was pushing $500 bucks) so once I get it up, I get to add colored lights to the white ones cause Dee likes the colored ones better. 

Sounds really nice.

  Just got done signing up for ecoupons to be scanned at Hannaford's and RiteAid to save up for Upromise college money for the littlest rascal. The kitty boy is in a really good mood. He loves our Christmas tree and stalked me through the living room and then ran over really quick and grabbed my leg as I walked by. He didn't use his claws prolly cause of all the times when he was still a youngin that I let out a primal screech when he did dig in. It was so funny cause he loves to startle me and he's so gentle about it. Sort of like playing tag.


Worked things out with my housemate who's buying all the food this month. WHEW! I tell ya, you confirmed bachelors are murder to break in. He doesn't know that I'm aware of how bulimic he is yet but I'll look and see when a good time to break it to him. It's like having a sixty year old foster kid running around. Like how long  before I let him know that I'm aware of what he's hiding from me. HMPH, maybe I'll wait a few more weeks before I tell him just to see how far he will go in covering it up. LOL Sometimes that's all we have for entertainment in this little town.



Does it get crazier as the winter goes on?

Well , not too sure as I'm not in the thick of it. My strategy for dealing with my town is to avoid, avoid ,evade and avoid. Then they are all mad at each other and I'm golden!

This is a big town for family and if you step into it with one person, well I would imagine you have to take on the entire clan. That's half the town. That's what I imagine anyway. SO, just like my grandmother taught me......with the two things I can still hear her voice saying. 1) I'm just minding my own business!

2) It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. She lived in a small town, made lots of things with her own two hands that could put me to shame and when she died , 300 people went to her funeral. She must have done something right!

House decorated. Cards ready (if you want one, send me your address). One gift bought, three more to go. Seeing The Nutcracker this weekend. Tree will go up week after next. Menu for Christmas Eve done.
I'm in good shape. I'm nervous.

Anyone who is ready for the Holidays by 1 Dec. should be nervious. Your procrastonating friends may have you drawn and quartered.

Sending Q my address so she'll send me a gift. 

Oh. She said a card, didn't she?

Oh, well...


Q, Have you been working out?




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