TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16202

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Wouldn't it be cool to visit funes' world?  Funes, maybe you could host a TBD meet and greet and eat, sometime.

As an added bonus in our region the weather has been mild enough not to have the heat turned on for most of the day. I got my Christmas package from my Quaker friend. All I asked for was an email after the holidays since she is busy with her new store. And she's promised to write a good long one soon. The package is charming , there's goldenrod tea and dill heads in it. More spices and silks and satins for crazy quilts and a gorgeous green taffeta prom dress to cut up and embroider. I've always wanted to do a celtic quilt. I keep returning to the green taffeta dress to look at it. It has a kindred spirit feel about the whole box. I have a few things to send her too. Some spools of string for warping her new loom and black wool gaberdine and a turquoise picnic check cotton. Quite a few yards of some sort of woven check in sand colors that I can't tell if it's linen or cotton or wool.

One of my cat's favorite nests is behind my head on the couch and right next to the window so he can watch all the comings and goings on the street, nosy thing. I bought a bunch of books on fool the eye painting and wouldn't mind if the arucana eggshell blue/green walls were painted a warmer color. There's all sorts of odd angles in the room. Some bay windows that protrude into the sun porch and a bricked up fireplace and entire wall with the same angles as a corner hutch. The turn of the century molding is well crafted and I imagine it may have been done by the Italian immigrants. The fireplace that needs a good washing down with some muriatic acid is hiding behind a large TV that rarely gets used these days. I'm thinking a mosaic for the bricked up fireplace. This is the perfect time of year for non garden / yard / paint the exterior projects. The days are shorter and the sunlit hours are more fleeting. I've been thinking of taking my sewing over to the library which closes at six to take advantage of their lighting and get out more. There now , have a bent yer ears enuf?

Feeling like a cold is coming on...

COLDEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FOR COLDEZE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've warded off or nipped colds/bugs in the in bud for over a decade by sucking on that nasty Zinc/C lozenge within hours of the onset of symptoms!

I didn't do it last week & I've been sick, sick, sick all week long!!! :-(


Go! Get up right now & go out & get COLDEZE!!

Full disclosure...Not a paid spokesperson.


(Mayby, maybe not)

Current status: Waiting for my personnel department to open up so I can ask them if my surgeon's staff sent the requested demanded paperwork from him to them, and then if I'm going to have to get on the phone and start yelling at the surgeon's staff to do their friggin' jobs.


See - The morning of my knee surgery a little over two weeks ago, a giggling, chattering empty-headed blonde came into my pre-op room, announced that she was from my surgeon's office and told me that she was there to fit me for my brace. I replied that I'd been told by her fellow staff that I wasn't going to have to wear a brace, and she waved that off and began measuring my ARM. I gave her a cold, steady look and told her that it was my KNEE that was going to be operated on. She was too stupid to even be embarrassed. She giggled more, and flapped her hands at my fiancee, and chattered some more about some reality TV show, and then checked her notes and went "Well, would you look at that - It IS your knee! Which one?" I asked her if she was even sure that she had the right hospital.


I've been less that impressed with the clerical abilities or the motivation of the "people" at both my personnel dept and the doctor's office who have been calling me (or NOT calling me) and/or mailing me all sorts of forms that they want me to get to my surgeon (So why didn't they mail them to HIM?) and telling me that they faxed those same forms to each other while "each other" are telling me that they haven't received anything. And all of this being under a VERY, VERY STRICT ALL-IMPORTANT DEADLINE, and I could be facing DISCIPLINARY ACTION IF THEY DON'T ALL GET THEIR VERY OFFICIAL PAPERWORK RIGHT NOW!!!

Jesus Christ. Do these idiots feel bigger and more important after all of this silliness ?

I feel for you, I hope it is resolved soon.

WHOA! And I thought I was having a bad day cause the weather is so dark and gloomy. Don't ask me about doctors , I have no faith in them any more or at least my faith in the medical community had a severe smackdown when they first of all gave my husband an entire week of chemo that they later determined with an updated MRI inappropriate. Maybe speaking with the supervisor would be helpful.  I hope.

Snagg, You should have told the ditzy blonde you didn't need a knee brace because you had plenty of red tape to wrap it in. 


Maybe it isn't red tape, maybe they're giant twizlers!!

Or, cocktail straws on lilliputian man?

Contemplating the mess I've made in the living roon...




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