TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16202

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Get well Deez!!!!

We are having Thanksgiving today cause Dee works tomorrow night.

What are you making/baking?

Bet it will be delish!

Quinn, we went all out. Turkey breast, ham, gravy, 2 different kinds of stuffing, (mine has cranberries and pecans) mashed taters, cheesy veggies, biscuits, apple and pumpkin pie. We ate at about 6, and I'm thinking about a little snack before I head to bed. 

Am baking a pumpkin pie.  Decided not to do the 'from scratch' version in my circa '45 oven.   It would take 3hrs @ it's one temp only setting.

Decided on letting 'Sara Lee' do the honors in Cowboys spiffy brand new little oven.   It's been 3hrs and it's almost done.

If this was a turkey dilemma we'd be eating by Friday.

*wishing to go to the nearest buffet tomorrow*

wait.... a from-scratch pumpkin pie would take 3 hours to cook in you vintage oven, 

and a Sara Lee pumpkin pie has taken 3 hours in Cowboy's brand new little oven?


...I know I'm overtired & distracted & sick, but am I missing something here?

Nope....neither was the right choice....:-]

Shoulda bought a ready made....:-)

My oven is a lot like me....easy going...not too quick to rise...slow  and steady.  Gets things done when she's good and ready.

Cowboys oven is quick to rise.... ...just a bit on the hot side...rearing to go...:-)

wow. I gotta hear more about this. But not tonight. I'm heading to bed. With my man. He's still sick & running a half marathon in the morning!! :-P


Despite being sick, I somehow managed today to-

-pay my property taxes

-clean up the kitchen

-make cranberry sauce

-toast/dry my bread for dressing tomorrow

-get the emissions inspection for my old, retired work truck

-get the emissions inspection for my car (obviously, I had to make 2 trips to get both vehicles done)

-go through stacks of paperwork & find my vehicle registration renewal forms

-get my vehicle registrations renewed

-go to my house, pick up a roasting pan for tomorrow's turkey & leave my extra vehicle there

-ride downtown w/Ducatiman to pick up his race # for tomorrow


I'm quite satisfied w/my day.


good night. xox



Now I'm tired.

We had our first snowfall yesterday and the housemate and I went for a walk in the snow down to look at the decorated windows on Penobscot Ave. Came home and made oatmeal cookies. Cleaned up the kitchen prepping it to be totally destroyed by cooking tomorrow. And gathered up a bunch of odds and ends to donate to the new thrift store. Washed a bunch of clothes to donate too.



Before getting on w/my day I am sitting here reading & sharing a bit on my beloved tbd,

feeling very thankful for you guys this Thanksgiving morning.

I treasure your friendships.

Thank you for being here & sharing of yourselves the way you do.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

-Shay xox






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