TBD on Ning




A thread to ask whatever we're wondering about. 

I know we can do this individually in Q&A, but this thread can be akin

to Random Thoughts in Games, only queries.

Feel free to include the answer to your question, or not.


Tags: How do I...?, What is the difference b/t...?, When is...?

Views: 1989

Replies to This Discussion

I've always found the comments of the non-participants to be interesting, and I don't mean that in a bad way necessarily, I am just curious as to why they would make negative comments, or any comments at all. Do they comment on people who belong to My Space or Eons or Google Plus or Twitter?

I choose to spend my time here and not on Facebook. What's the big deal?


All of that aside, who is a non-member to decide how the money should be handled anyway? Sheesh...

Yeah, Bob, I've noticed that an awful lot of those non-participants have somehow now become "experts" on the whys and wherefores of TBD.  It seems like a lot of energy is expended to restate, over and over "I liked it at first",  "I don't like the format",  "oh, is it still going?" and on and on.

Jeez, I guess I'm out of formula, I feel like we've "evolved", not "devolved".

Bah and good riddance to those piss and moaners, and whiners.  I think its time to pare the ol' FB friend list back again.  ;-0

Oh, yeah.....gonna do that for sure myself.

I think that some folks need to understand that fb is free because some on (i.e. Mr Zuckerburg-man) has very deep $$ pockets to keep the doors open. 

 Here @ the ning, it's the same thing.  TBDning just needs a rent payment due and some one to be the "name of contact".  Some annonymus 'money bags' can make the  payment or those who like this format can be a cooperative collective and anty up to play.  It's not such a big deal.

Peeps can lurk here and not have to sign in, can't do that on the fb.

Personally, I like both places.  Good people on each site.

So there....:-)

Running to check my FB friend list......

[by the way..I agree totally, I do spend time there but never understand the remarks]

hear, hear, Stir.

I ditto Stir's post.

well, and Bob's & RRC's & Jaylee's & Q's.

just ditto, okay?

Serious question everyone..


Does anyone have, or know someone who has, experience with auto body work and painting?


I had that major damage to my car a few months ago, took it to the body shop. They replaced the outer part of the doors but not the inside. And then painted that and the quarter panels that were replaced.

Last month there was a small rust spot on the door. I took it back, they did something to fix/hide the rust. The kid made a comment, "looks like you dinged another car and that's why this happened." I bit my tongue and drove away.


Yesterday another rust spot appears, in another spot on the door. I take it to the body shop. Another kid makes a similar comment. I tell him how long I've been drving and how many cars I've owned in a lifetime. I tell him I have NEVER had this happen. I have had dings, but they have NEVER rusted. He tells me he'll fix it.

Five minutes later he comes in and hands me my keys. I look at the "ding" and they just put a blob of paint on it, and I mean blob...it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I have a tele-conference so I need to get back to work ASAP. I also need to calm down before I walk back in there and scream, "ARE YOU F**KING KIDING ME". So I leave.


My question, have I just been lucky all these years to have no rust spots, or has the body shop screwed something up?


Anyone know?

When I was young I used to hang around a local body shop because there was nothing else to do. I know things have come a long way since then but in my opinion they did a cosmetic repair. Which means they covered most of the damage with Bondo and put on a thin layer of paint. Did your insurance company send you there? If so contact them otherwise I don't know what you can do.


I chose them, they are close to where I live. When I told my insurance company initially they said that this place was an "approved" shop so I will call my insurance company.

If they replaced the outer skin of the door, with a NEW skin, there is no way it should be showing rust.  Remember, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. I'd call my ins. co. and start squeaking, and wouldn't stop until the door was replaced.


Not sure what that is, but the damage was a big ol' dent. A car, coming around a corner, careened out of control and t-boned my parked car. Would a new skin fix that?

Q, You said they replaced the outside of the door, but not the inside. The sheet metal is sometimes called the "skin". I assumed they just slapped on another "skin" without replacing the whole door. If that's what they did, there is still no way that rust would be showing this soon.

(Just my humble opinion, I'm not a body man)

(OK, I'm a body man, just not that kind)

(Just to clarify, I'm a body man, just not an automotive one)




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