TBD on Ning

How did you get off back in the day.......electric or Manual???

........in typing 101 that is. Did you get to use a nice, new electric model or were you saddled with a worn out manual model?






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I learned to type on a Royal manual typewriter that looked a little more modern than the one in the picture. Mrs Southerland was a tough taskmaster and I thank her now.
I had a taskmaster myself, but she gave up and decided my hands and fingers were better suited to throw and catch baseballs. I got all the way up to about 18 words per minute....looking at the keys!!!
lol! Bob... you're right, baseball was your forte. '-)

I can't remember, honestly, if we started learning on manual or electrics. I know it wasn't long before manuals were obsolete & we were all using electric ones. I was an adequate typer, but never one of those super performing secretarial types. I maxed out at about 65 wpm, if I recall correctly. I remember in my early career in the corporate world listening to the sound of the keys as typists who typed 100+ wpm tore through their typing projects. I was always very impressed by that.
Well, I took a typing class in the eighth grade, and it was on a manual....I think maybe a Royal. I don't remember how many words I could type after that class....probably enough to get a C or B Minus maybe. I know I quickly reverted to a "two finger on each hand technique", which I use to this day. My parents got me a portable (I think Smith Corona) for Christmas when it was determined that I actually could get into a college, even if it was of the Community variety. I don't know what ever happened to that portable...I think it went in a garage sale, many, many years ago.
I learned to type on a Royal manual typewriter, but used electric ones later. My top speed was 55-60 wpm, most of the others in class were faster than that.
That makes me feel really bad....:-(
In Jr High there was a lottery on who could learn on an electric....I didn't win...:-( I did fair to midland...avg 60wpm....there were other girls who did much better and I knew they were destined for greatness! I actually had dreams about typing....very stressful.
Even at work now I have an electric that I have to use to type out labels for charts.....It doesn't mind me as well as a manual...too many buttons and it makes a funny whirring sound that makes me break out in a sweat.
I recall once not too long ago I was working on the 'puter and wanted to go back and change something and reached to the side of the monitor to roll the page back!
Gawd, remember whiting out and having to reline the letter? At least the fancy schmanchy electric one had a built in white out....how 'bout the conversion from the keys to the the disk?
This is really freaking me out.....
Well, at least we don't have to change the ribbon on this thing...
Do you realize how many ADULTS have no idea what we're talking about here, b/c they weren't BORN yet?? ;-p
I know.....getting to feel older than dirt.....:-}
Me, too, Jaylee.
Pencil with an eraser.




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