TBD on Ning

This is the place where you can pop in and say "hey" ONLY if you are #13 or less online here at TBD.  Sometimes the fewest voices carry the strongest message.
Pipe up and let it be known you are here....
Take a number and stand in line....
*like anyone would really know....hehe!*

What's your favorite donut or pastry...

.*that'll work too....*

Tags: cream of the crop, goes good together, less is more

Views: 6083

Replies to This Discussion

9:17 eastern daylight time and there are two of us here but I have never encountered the other guy.

Just the bare bones these days.....
Is this a topless beach????
One Is The Loneliest Number...

Mornin' Quinn!!
12:15 PM Eastern, me and someone I have never heard of before. Laura Hernandez.
And 35 minutes later, it's me and Scott Williamson.
I AM #1!!!!!!! Finally it' ALL about ME!!!!!!!!!
Yep....you're #1 alright....
# 3 at 8:09 CDT.......somebody left the lights on too..
Have no fuc-ing clue what # I am.....have chat disabled....so there.
Now pass the g-damn donuts....!




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