TBD on Ning

 a bit ago we had a discussion about efforts of the gop to change the way the electoral vote is awarded in the electoral process..found an interesting article with an interactive inclusion about how the different scenarios would pan out  (and you can see the results of years of gerrymandering in that as well)


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At least it's more peaceful then the original process they proposed in The Turner Diaries.

How did republicans get the idea that they are entitled. Even worse because they are entitled what ever they do to achieve that power is justified. The end justifies the means even if it is crooked.

They are not unique.  Too many control freaks of our species have tried to conquer the world by eating their own. That is after they finished digesting all the other bi-pedal hominid species we coexisted with ~80-40,000 BCE.

Most animals co-exist and evolve.  Not mankind, too many of us are too busy either owning the rest of us or destroying the rest of us for their own profit and pleasure. We are our own worst enemy.  Read any history book.




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