TBD on Ning

Easter is here, and as the same-sex marriage battle at the Supreme Court makes clear, the fight over the teachings of Jesus is central to U.S. politics today. But a new book argues that the Founding Fathers mostly evoked the Old Testament—with its focus on Zion and the promised land—and didn’t pay much attention to the Gospels. Jordan Michael Smith on how politics became about Jesus. 

On March 15, former senator Rick Santorum delivered a passionate speech at  the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. Republicans can’t abandon social conservatism and traditional American principles merely for the sake of electoral convenience, he said. “Permit me to paraphrase a great teacher and ask, ‘What does it profit a movement to gain a country and lose its own soul?’” Santorum’s line garnered applause from the CPAC audience, who instantly recognized his reference to a famous line from the Gospel of Mark.

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I was always taught that one of the reasons the U.S. was founded is because of 'religious freedom'. But it seems to me that this 'religious freedom' only exist for so-called Christians. And religion has been used as a way of controlling and dividing people. I do believe in god, but do not and will not belong to any particular religion. Each one seems to have its own rules, agenda and how you should see god. Republicans want to use religion to control the population....at least that's what it seems to me. They talk about 'religious freedom' but do not show much respect for other religions that may see things differently. They also seem to have forgotten their own history of conquering other countries under the guise of god. Religion should be a personal thing. A personal relationship between you and god. It should not mean that you force your views on others. Wars have been fought over religion throughout history....all because each one wanted to be THE one. And now the Republicans are trying to use religion as a way of dividing people. Hopefully.....most Americans will see through their game..............................Just my opinion.

I would not want to live in a country where religion was the rule of law no matter what religion it was but Santorum's vision for our country is worse than most any other I could think of.

Give Me Religion or give me Death...Nope that wasn't it...




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