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One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text...

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Kinda makes you go..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........lol.

This is a complicated move that doesn't add to clarity as much as it adds to a sense that something was going on, because the news was bad.  The talking points were done to set a story as much as to present any facts and the idea of the talking points was to make sure everyone was singing from the same hymnal, and as such, intended to be transitory as much as the real story which would be based on what was revealed as the story played out.

As such each of the involved entities; the CIA, State Department and White House had to get the story straight, even if it meant manufacturing one, and well, there is always the fog of war as a cover.  The point of the story was to defuse the idea of there being a 9/11 attack at the critical juncture of a presidential campaign that was not necessarily moving in the right direction of holding the president as tough of terrorism with the success of the Bin Laden raid and the decimating of Al Qaeda as an effective threat to the United States, and thus, giving Romney and the Republicans a wedge issue.  

As it played out, the word terrorist in the Rose Garden trump terrorism, the talking points and Susan Rice, until now.

So you see no problem with the republicans changing the emails?

The issue is the image that is being dealt with by the administration.  The sideshow aspects only gives the whole episode legs, and yes, mistakes were made and responsibility muddled, apparently by design.

As to the facts, four died, as to the how that is now clear, or clearer, as to the why, the crime was a deliberate act of armed terrorists with a plan as to could it have been stopped, unfortunately, of course.

The target of much of this is that the buck stops at the Hillary's doorstep, it was on her watch and done by her staff, or not.

So you think it is okay for the republicans to change the emails?

Four died, and Cheney, speaking for all Republicans, claims is the worst disaster in his lifetime.


The opportunity was given by the White House in that congressional staffers were to look at the provide emails while available for limited review only.  The staffers then paraphrased what they thought they had seen and read.  

The result was that the White House then released the same emails latter to the public.  

It might have been done this way to mousetrap the staffers, knowing discrepancies and emphasis would have been placed to skew what the staffers thought the emails contained or wanted to contain.

Ultimately this is a blood sport, not bean bags, and has little to do with fairness and fair play by both sides.

And this has everything to do with 2014 and 2016.

"The target of much of this is that the buck stops at the Hillary's doorstep, it was on her watch and done by her staff, or not."

How? and what does 'or not' mean?

Questions remain, as to whom, when and why and then if, if Hillary was involved.  

Again, it was her portfolio and therefore her responsibility and as such, her accountability to deal with the issue and what happened.  And she did, take responsibility in her congressional testimony.  Now is the question(s) responsible for what?, and who?

The problem here pertains to 2016 and what was said in 2008 during the primary campaign that attempted to give Hillary credentials in foreign affairs while Obama's youth and inexperience would bungle the job particularly when the phone rang at 3 am.

So what's the cover up Ex?

The coverup is the appearance of a coverup, until something can be proved.  

This isn't substance, it is accusation and whatever can be breathed into the situation as to what was said, and by default, unsaid.

In this time and age, image is everything.  

The best advice for Hillary is; duck and cover, this to shall pass, write your book, do uplifting graduations, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, change the subject and keep an eye on Bill.

boehner's staff had already seen the emails during white house meetings. what the administration is doing is putting them out there en masse so no isolated email can be held up as a see? we told you he was a pos..you shoulda voted for the fat old crazy white guys vote for us ploy in order to taint the democratic party (read hillary clinton) before the 2016 elections come around




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