TBD on Ning

 The hottest political question facing my community right now is whether or not to allow the local state park and surrounding lands to become a national park where there's all sorts of restrictions. I'm going to go with whatever the fire dept is supporting, because they're the ones who have to risk it all to protect us, whatever makes their job easier to do seems like the smartest thing to me. I haven't asked them what their official position is yet.


If logging activity lessens the severity of a forest fire by providing breaks in the fuel so it doesn't burn as hot and roads into remote areas making a fire easier to put out and it's done in a way that in the long run is the best thing for the forest is that a passive aggressive way of hugging a tree?


If fire lanes and stations and hydrants are planned into large cities, are they doing the equivilant of  that in protected lands where the jurisdiction is federal?


Yeah, I know, logging is ugly and immediately destroys the web of life in a forest. Do you believe that it can be done in such a way to benefit everyone?.






Tags: better mousetrap

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If you viewpoint is pristine, virgin forests and landscapes, nope, no way, that any, ANY, distributing is allowed.  However, if you see that nature has a use as well as a view, then, there are ways and means to do something.  

The question is, is there a balance of use and the untouched, what is it and how is it maintained?  Unfortunately that balance is only obtained with trade offs and limits, which, in the past have been exploited and misused as a matter of fact, been used to serve self-interests as much as any public interests.  And yes, nature once destroyed or eliminated only a very limited chance of rebirth and reestablishment in a reasonable amount of time.   Yet, there are legitimate interests in using the resources to add and contribute to the well being and substance of the people, local as well as national interests.

What has to be done is planned, implemented and maintained in the full view of the community and the people as to what is to be done, what is done and what will be the consequences, both  intended and unintended. 




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