Just how does one make the leap from Nixon himself coordinating "The Plumbers" burglarizing different offices to find our where his administration leaks were coming from, to Obama's Justice Department.
It was REPUBLICANS as well as Democrats that insisted that the Justice Department look for the source of Obama Administration "Leaks", which included the Atty Gen himself -- which is why he had to recluse himself from testifying.
The Justice Department may be part of the Executive Branch, but The President does not micro-manage the Justice Department. God help us if any president ever does.
Do Republicans have an Obama Dysfunctional Disorder Syndrome ?
What did "they" call it; "Bush Derangement Syndrome" like we were crazy....
they're just trying to scrub up the republican brand by obfuscation and diverting attention from their own party foibles by trying to pull a 'johnny touches his peepee too!' maneuver...i doubt that it will wash because as details of the supposed scandals come out, their accusations appear ever more foolish.
Scandals are scandals as much as they are anything, is behavior.
In Watergate it wasn't just the act, the burglary at the DNC offices in the Watergate, it was the coverup that cost the presidency. In the case of Clinton it was the lie, "....that I didn't have sex with that woman..." because of what is, is and a definition of sex as intercourse, and not just social with a cigar, or two.
No, what we have here is the hint as much as the fact and what the facts are, and, yes, mistakes were made. In this time and place, it is the imagine beyond the reality that plays minute by minute on the 24/7 media news cycle which requires new "BREAKING NEWS" for the crawlers to keep the audience.
As to what actually happened, well, we may never know, know everything that is to everyone's satisfaction. But, what we will know is that as a fact it isn't the crisis, it is how it looks to being handled that is the most important. And yes, flying monkeys do require a media strategy, other than generating talking points and putting Jay Carney out to walk the White House newsroom plank.
And what plank is Boner walking out?
None, accusations are the easy part and the hardest to deflate, now blood is in the water.
The administration can only hope that this is now contained, but, of course it won't, as there is going to be more, no matter what and no matter what there is still ObamaCare in the fall as the hammer comes down on implementation.
As of now, heroic efforts are going to be necessary to save the second term and the curse of the second term continues.
The worse outcome of this, is the media has to choose sides and the Obama administration is now going to pay for not making friends with the press. Leaks are the media's business and the way to score points on the competition, if those in the government don't play ball and make a reporter's day, it become personal and involves a pay day.
As to planks, they are being rolled out...arrrr, matey...
...and just how would Obama save his second term when Republicans are noticeably willing to wreck the country, in lock-step like mindless robots, to make this black Democrat look bad? God help any brave Republican that does not prostitute themselves for their far-right wing extremist pimp.
However, aren't you afraid that these hyped-up scandals will back-fire, leaving Republican wide open to defeat in 2014? Talk about a crapshoot, Holy Crap! :0)
In politics everyday is a crap shoot.
What is happening is to softening up the battlefield before the assault. Put as much into question as possible, put your opponent on the defense, and expect your enemy will make mistakes because of the pressure. And know the fallback positions are weak, or weaken by your attacks. This isn't bean bags, this is serious. And you know it serious by how sick the media is by having to report the carnage that even Syria has paled because of events.
As to 2014, the math never has worked for democrats, even jobs is beginning to work against them. As the jobless number has gone down the edge of the economic issues have also moved more into the background.
Now, the opposition is just getting ginned up and as such the republicans have to defend fewer seats in the House and Senate, and the monies have just begun to flow with major issues yet to be played; Keystone, Gay marriage and ObamaCare.
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