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Right wing birthers hold anti-Obama, pro-gun rally on the grassy knoll in Dallas

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Jared Robertson carries several guns on his body as he listens to speakers at a gun rights rally and march
Photo by George Frey/Getty Images

A right wing protest occurred in Texas this week as pro-gun supporters who believe President Obama was born in Kenya gathered at the grassy knoll in Dallas.

For those who don't known, the grassy knoll is the spot where many people believe the fatal shot was fired that struck and killed President John F. Kennedy on November 23, 1963. In a twisted form of unity, supporters of open carry gun laws came together in Dealey Plaza in Dallas and recorded a video that they uploaded to YouTube. The Dallas Observer reports that the group, who call themselves "Come and Take It Dallas," brought their kids and guns, while speaking negatively about President Obama. One speaker referred to the president as a "usurper foreigner" who was born in Kenya. The group handed out pro-gun paraphernalia to people in the area.

“We’re worried about foreigners coming over the border. We've got a foreigner as president!...We got a foreigner that was born in Kenya that had an illegal birth certificate as president, and you guys worried about foreigners coming over the border. So, the bottom line is we aren't giving up our guns.”

One speaker continued the rant against "foreigners," who the group believes are in the country to take their guns away.

“We ain't gonna give up our guns...I’m just sick and tired of these foreigners coming in this country, and they don’t have any idea what American freedom is all about.”

To top the rally off, they even had their own preacher who shouted “you are a sinner, you deserve hell,” to people passing by. The group has made stops in other spots around Texas, but to protest gun rights on and around the spot where a president was killed by gun fire is a bit too much, even for those on the right.

Rupert Murdock is the foreigner that needs to be deported. His media empire spews lies and hate and those of lower IQ's fall for it.

and murdock wants to buy timewarner cable so he will have a direct feed of his bullshit straight into the braindead. this might be one oifthe most dangerous  combinations that could happen: an essentially muckraking exploitive form of yellow journalism with an agenda delivered  into people's homes on a daily basis... picture a modern hearst lacking even the rudimentary standards he followed

when i was googling to get the actual dates for rockefeller's heart attack (as the band plays and sings 'back in the saddle again')...so first there is this..reminds me of pat robertson and his comments about haiti..

Nelson Rockefeller Dies in the Saddle during the Act of Adultery!!

His mistress failed to call 911 in time!!

Unfortunately, longevity seems to run in the Rockefeller crime family. The founder, John D., lived to be 95, and Nelson's brother David is still alive at 95!

Would be King Nelson might have lived to see the demolition of his Twin Towers if his mistress had called 911 in time.


Megan Marshak—mistress of Nelson Rockefeller.



God's judgment finally caught up with this would be king on January 26, 1979, while fornicating with his mistress. No matter how much money or power you have, one day you will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to gave an account of EVEYTHING you did in this life.

St. Paul said:

For we shall ALL stand before the judgment seat of Christ. (Romans 14:10).

Where was Megan Marshak when Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller Died?
In recounting old news stories similar to the Monica Lewinsky case, the press has often invoked the name of 27-year-old Megan Marshak, whom, they say, was at the side of former Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller when he died on January 26, 1979.
However, that is a damn lie and everybody familiar with the case knows it. Megan Marshak was not "at his side" when Nelson Rockefeller died of a heart attack.

Megan Marshak

Where then was she?

The official coroner’s report, issued by the competent New York State authority, states that Nelson Rockefeller died of a heart attack while he was having sexual intercourse. You can look it up in the archives at 28th Street and First Avenue (provided they let you look at this one).

Megan Marshak was, in fact, underneath Nelson Rockefeller when he died.


and then the home page educates you that the grand canyon is only 4500 years old...really really....it says so right cheer...



The 3 "R's" the Messiah is Risen, Reigning, and Returning soon!!

Click on the door to enter.
October 31, 1517.

O JEHOVAH, our JEHOVAH, how majestic is your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8:9).

"Thou shalt not change or alter the name of JEHOVAH thy Elohim; for JEHOVAH shall not hold him guiltless who alters or changes his name" (Exodus 20:7, Deuteronomy 5:11).

Click on the doors to enter

Click on the door to enter.
The handwriting
on the door.

The Reformation began on October 31, 1517, when German monk Saint Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. This was one of the greatest events of the past 1000 years. Saint Martin made a translation of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew into German. Soon all the countries of Europe followed his example by translating the Scriptures into their languages. For the first time in history, the recently invented printing press made the Word of JEHOVAH available to all the people.

In 1520, Saint Martin Luther published a book entitled On The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. The end of the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews in 457 BC led to the rebirth of Israel, and started the 490-year countdown to the First Coming of the Messiah....The end of the Babylonian Captivity of the Church in 1517 led to the rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David, and started the countdown to the Second Coming of Christ . . . and the Day of Judgment for all who fought against ancient and modern Israel.

In 1620–exactly 100 years later–the New Covenant Israel, or Tabernacle of David, was established in the New World wilderness (Isaiah 11:11, Amos 9:11, Acts 15:16-17).

The most stunning visual aid that proves the veracity of the Book of Genesis is the Grand Canyon in the United States of Israel.

Panoramic view of the 4,500-year-old
Panoramic view of the 4,500-year-old
Grand Canyon and Colorado River.

Visit the 4,500-year-old Grand Canyon!!

British Empire evolution exposed at last!!

"Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee"
(Job 12:8).

Close-up view of the
Close-up view of the
Grand Canyon




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