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The GOP cut funding for security in Benghazi and then blame Obama for the fallout.


Do you agree that the GOP is destroying this country?

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Yes if they are allowed to maintain any power at all the country that we have always known will cease to exist. It will be replaced by a radical war mongering theocracy that would make the Purtans look liberal.

I've been watching a couple of shows about Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican, recently. A man that I've learned a lot about and gained much respect.....even though I'm a Liberal. Many current Republicans usually refer to the 'great' Ronald Reagan, when...in my opinion...Eisenhower is the one they should be praising. This man did a lot for the country...more than I realized...that I never learned in school. He was a Conservative, but he had the respect of many on the left. And he also had the support of many minorities at the time.  This was before many of the southern Democrats ran to the Republican party because of civil rights.....and long before the Tea Party. I believe that today's Republicans would be an embarrassment to ole Ike if he was alive today. He probably wouldn't recognize his own party. Today's GOP is full of nuts. I don't think that the American people will let them destroy the country, but they are destroying their own party. One person who I think would have made a similar president as Ike is Colin Powell....but we'll never know. And although I don't think the American people will let the GOP destroy the country, they are doing a pretty good job of destroying themselves.

We can't take away what Ike did for the country, but he was not perfect.  

The Self-Proclaimed Christian who put "In God We Trust" on our currency and "Under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance is the same ideological "Republican" who cheated on his wife with his full time driver and mistress in WW2.


sorry but that isn't any of my business who ike was poking or not poking...as a president he seemed to be calm, levelheaded and to do things for the good of the country. party politics came a far second but then he wasn't from the political arena. in point of fact, it was a tossup as to which party would snare him for the postwar hero run in the tradition of jackson et al.

This new crop of Republican's is slowly and surely ruining the once highly respected political party. Unless they develop a strong Moderate wing, they will damage the country, if not destroy it.

As for Benghazi, it is just a Republican smoke screen or a diversion from the real problems of the country (the economy ) for which they have no real answers. However, Benghazi is a reminder, that we going to have to be on guard and alert. It should not be politicized by either party.

Next up for the Republican Smoke Screen, the IRS scandal. :-)

My opinion is that Benghazi is all about the 2016 Presidential Election and starting the SwiftBoating of Hillary Clinton.   Most TeaBaggers believe the world is 6,000 years old and TrickleDown Economics works, Benghazi is just another one of their FairyTales that they want to believe in.

benghazi is the republican attempt to hang a nonexistant albatross around hillary clinton's neck prior to the next presidential election. she scares the fuck out of the clowncar since she is bright articulate and has proved herself capable. so they have to try to destroy her at any cost while appearing to wave the flag

"The attack of our embassy in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11,which resulted in four Americans being murdered, is now used as an opportunity to gain political points. Washington Republicans and the partisan pundits beyond have slapped on the war paint, donned the camouflage and are armed to the hilt—out to get Obama’s blood at all cost.

Now there is loud clamor for transparency and investigations, accusations of a cover-up and incompetence, with those doing the talking all the while professing to only want the truth as concerned Americans and conscientious politicians. Give me a break. The only conscientious concern here is self-serving partisan BS.

Where was all that concern for our men and women serving in embassies and consulates across the globe when all the other attacks and killings occurred?

Like in 2002 when the US Consulate in the Karachi, Pakistan, was attacked and 10 were killed?

Or in 2004 when the US embassy in Uzbekistan was attacked and two were killed and another nine injured?

How about in 2004, when the US Consulate in Saudi Arabia was stormed and 8 lost their lives?

There is more: In 2006, armed men attacked the US Embassy in Syria and one was murdered.

Then in 2007 a grenade was thrown at the US Embassy in Athens.

In 2008, the US Embassy in Serbia was set on fire.

In 2008, bombings in the US Embassy in Yemen killed 10.

Notice the dates, all before the Obama administration.

Not yet convinced that all the noise over Benghazi has nothing to do with love of countryman? How about the biggest, most catastrophic attack and murder of Americans? As a New Yorker, Sept. 11, 2001, is indelibly imprinted on my psyche and I’m sure on the rest of the country. 3,000 perished in the most brutal act of terror in our recent history—all under a Republican administration. George W. Bush and his team had nine warnings that al-Qaida would attack within the United States, but they did absolutely nothing. No one in that administration’s head rolled for that stunning incompetence.

But Republicans now want President Obama’s head for Benghazi.

Here is an excerpt from the Ninth Public Hearing of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, held Thursday April 8, 2004, where Bush adviser Condoleezza Rice, is being questioned:

MS. RICE: I remember very well that the president was aware that there were issues inside the United States. He talked to people about this. But I don't remember the al Qaeda cells as being something that we were told we needed to do something about.

“MR. BEN-VENISTE: Isn't it a fact, Dr. Rice, that the Aug. 6 PDB warned against possible attacks in this country? And I ask you whether you recall the title of that PDB.

MS. RICE: I believe the title was "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States." Now, the PDB --

MR. BEN-VENISTE: Thank you.

Rice, in uncharacteristic obtuseness, for she is an academically brilliant and accomplished woman, gave the above unbelievable answer. We all now know they knew of imminent danger facing American citizens, but buried their head in the proverbial sand, ostrich style. (Read the official transcript on that hearing here: Thursday, April 8, 2004 - National Commission on Terrorism)."


and on this piece there are the attacks on the embassies and consulates going back thriu the different administrations...

Krauthammer Whitewashes Bush's History To Bash Obama Over Embassy Attack

On Fox News, Charles Krauthammer suggested that "under other presidents, particularly Bush," there was "no storming of the U.S. embassy in Cairo." In fact, there were seven attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates during the Bush years, and numerous other such attacks have happened under recent presidents.

Krauthammer Implied Attack On Cairo Embassy Is Historically Unique


Nah their just having fun...

...like they did in Iraq?

and the IRS scandal? some scandal....if the investigation of the political groups was all one side of the political spectrum, it was wrong. BUT the concept of a TAX-EXEMPT political group which can take in 'donations' and have those donations written off corporate and individual income taxes has become a ploy utilized by people like karl rove and those political groups are essentially a wing of the republican party-big business festival of greed. thus you have the groups advocating for things like fracking and the keystone pipeline, fewer environmental controls etc etc. ergo you WOULD have the IRS looking a lot more carefully at such groups as the mission of the IRS is to collect all revenue due the government including investigating and denying 501 tax exempt status to fraudulent groups and pursuing individuals for such frauds.




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