by David Hunter Sutherland
Call me crazy,
(mad with joy)
place this simple heart
languishing in harbor
on frugal ships that
trans-port this soul on
seven year sails and weather torn joints and graying mast,
Aboard where
cupboards creak without sound,
boughs tip with expectation,
and troll through implication
as I open each shore
crazy for life,
(mad with joy)
Euphemisms for Crazy....pls add to the list.
A few bricks short of a load
Five cans short of a six-pack
Not firing on all cylinders
An olive short of a pizza
Four quarters short of a dollar
Has a screw loose
Is Bugged Out
Should be in the Bughouse
Mad as hatter
Mad as a monkey on a trike
Lost his/her marbles
Belongs in the booby hatch