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My friend Lloyd turned me on to this growing movement called the Coffee Party. Here is the web site.


What follows is a post that Lloyd wrote about the Coffee Party and some questions contained in a letter he wrote to Mitch McConnell.

After watching Annabel Clark's YouTube video,  explaining how the Coffee Party began, I decided to make my first contribution to the Coffee Party and write a letter to Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.


Why Mitch McConnell?  Because he has been on the forefront in opposition to President Obama's efforts at reforming health care here in the United States.

"If the Democrats' health care bill passes, every Republican running in an election this fall will campaign on repealing it", Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday.

"You ignore the overwhelming desires of the American people at your own peril," McConnell said. "This is politically toxic in the extreme."

In the spirit of Annabel's statement I decided to remain civil and ask Senator McConnell a few questions regarding his stance against health care reform.

I wanted to know how it is fiscally responsible for uninsured Americans to use their local hospital emergency rooms as their primary physicians office at a cost up to 10 times that of a primary physician.  I gave him the example of treating an ear infection at a local hospital emergency room, costing nearly $1000, as opposed to the same treatment costing under $100 at a primary physician's office.  I asked him if he knew that the American tax-payer pays the bill in both cases.

I wanted to know why it's ok for him to have the best tax-payer funded health care in America while those same tax-payers aren't entitled to the same coverage.  I suggested that he and all those opposed to the President's plans  immediately cancel their tax-payer funded health care plans and buy coverage on the open market.

I wanted to know how he felt knowing that the majority of bankruptcies now being filed in America are due to medical costs.

These are just a few questions I posed to the Senator.  I hope he responds.  If not, I hope he at least do a little soul searching and find some compassion for those with pre-existing conditions who have no where to turn.

In watching Annabel's video, one of the words she used several times was "Obstructionist".  I believe this best describes the actions of many on the Right.

I hope my letter was written in the true spirit of the Coffee Party.  I bit my tongue a few times trying not to be disrespectful to the Senator.

Tell me what you think.  Feel free to copy and paste or edit this letter and send it to your own Congressional or Senatorial representative.

Doing nothing is no longer an option.



Lloyd "Proud Democrat" and now "Proud Coffee Party Member".

Tags: America, Politics, coffee_party, grassroots, honesty

Views: 36

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Larry until you can come up with a source that doesn't place a blatant and proved lie on the page no one will take you seriously.
Larry until you can come up with a source that doesn't place a blatant and proved lie on the page no one will take you seriously.

What lie would that be Bull? If you google “National Coffee Party Day”, you will find several hundred references to the event in the form of advanced notices. After the event, I find one reference just giving quotes from one of the few attendees, one report judging it successful, based not on the pitiful few who showed up, but rather based upon the 141000 fans its founder, Annabelle Parks, garnered on facebook. Alas, they didn’t show up in person. No one has published anything calling it a success based on turnout. For the most part, the movement has stumbled into a black hole of news notice since the “Event”.



Larry it would be this lie
On Sept. 12, the crowd of tea partiers that flooded Washington, D.C., was estimated into the hundreds of thousands, possibly topping 1 million.

At no time did ABC News, or its affiliates, report a number anywhere near as large. ABCNews.com reported an approximate figure of 60,000 to 70,000 protesters, attributed to the Washington, D.C., fire department. In its reports, ABC News Radio described the crowd as "tens of thousands."

In addition to ABC News' report of sixty to seventy thousand, the Associated Press, MS-NBC, and other mainstream media news outlets reported: "Tens of thousands of protesters fed up with government spending marched to the U.S. Capitol on Saturday."
Um... yeah right, Ron.

Time lapse footage from 0800 to 1130 on 9/12/09. That dome you see a mile or so up the road is the capital. Open to full screen if you need more detail.

Larry it would be this lie On Sept. 12, the crowd of tea partiers that flooded Washington, D.C., was estimated into the hundreds of thousands, possibly topping 1 million.

Bull, the numbers in attendence were estimated at that level. My "source" doesn't doesnt testify about the accuracy of those numbers, it only reports that the referenced numbers were estimated by someone else.
Boy ya gotta love a human being who enters an area labeled "Left Wing Politics" and then bitches at the members of the group for being too left wing don't ya?

Wrong again, jacquin, I don't entertain any such notion that members of this group (one of which is me) are too left wing. Each individual here is just what they are, politicaly and nothing else. I don't believe that I'm required to agree with everything or even anything here. Nice of you to refer to me as a human being though.
Clearly I am not influenced by what is popular. Accordingly, I didn't bring this subject up because I knew it would be a band wagon that everyone would jump onto. I think these people associated with the Coffee Party Movement are largely interested in moving the country forward into this ever-changing world using the time-tested democratic tools at our disposal. They are intelligent, largely well informed and engaged constructively in wanting to address the future challenges facing this nation. If we don't evolve, we'll be left behind. It is happening even now.

To want to "go back" to "the way it was," seems a bit foolish. Will we waste the opportunity provided by the change in administration for a geo-political and economic restart in the same way we wasted the global good will we were afforded after the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001? We know full well that our energy sources and patterns of use must change. We know too that we should be innovating and leading this change and the only reasons we are not are because of entrenched corporate interests and a kind of national laziness. Not laziness in terms of work ethic, but rather laziness in vision and drive. We think "we've got it" and so lack that hunger that allows other countries to surpass us in both innovation and education.

The Coffee Party, for me, seems to resemble that vision of a nation moving boldly forward together that I saw a glimpse of at the inauguration. Even the president of the Student Republicans at North Texas University, having worked hard for John McCain, was ready to roll up his sleeves and help his president get this country moving again. Whatever the Coffee Party number, I would rather stand with three of these Americans, than with five million of what I've seen and heard of the Tea Party movement. I don't really care what other people think about my choice. When people of goodwill come together and work together for goals that advance our nation and enhancing the functioning of its government, rather than obstruct it, I think that is usually a good thing and something that should be encouraged.




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