TBD on Ning



They should just change their name to The Party of No.  


Seriously, they aren't even willing to just sit down and discuss a topic which affects pretty much every single person in the country?  

Tags: care, health, politics

Views: 12

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They have decided that they want anything suggested by Obama to fail. That way they win in November. Of course this policy leads to more problems for the people in this country, except the rich.
Millions of others jacquin - millions. It was a conservative estimate of 48 million in 2007. Imagine what it will be once the current census is in. I expect more than 30% of this nations population.

Reprehensible behaviour on the part of both parties to not come to a fair and equitable agreement to at least ensure that the insurance gangsters not be permitted to keep gouging everyone who has insurance because so many do not. Barbaric. ALL OF IT.




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