TBD on Ning

James O‘Keefe is facing federal felony charges for aiding and abetting and attempted wiretap of a Democratic senator, charges that carry up to a quarter of a million dollars in fine and 10 years in prison.

Tags: dirty, idiots, politics

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I my humble opinion anyone that uses a hidden camera is violating my privacy. I don't care if it is a crazy republican seeking publicity, a TV network or the government. Anyone or any entity that uses one should go prosecuted. Did I mention that I hate redlight cameras?
Just depends on what kind of plea he make* if he says it was a prank he gets a slap on the hand,if he says he just wanted pictures of her office to show that she spends money like water. But if they can prove he wanted to pull a watergate he's gonna go bye bye! Im betting on the prank since a senetor son is involed. Justice hahaha! (no such animal)
Oh, sorry, it was just a prank. Oh, okay, you can go then. That isn't the way it works.

Or are you honestly so completely unaware of how the legal system works?
Just reporting what has been said by the news. (opps I left out if he can prove he was there to take pics of her office nothing will happen.)
If he says they where pranking they will get a slap on the hand. (thats what I still believe will happen)
If he was taking pics of her office reporting on how she spends money(is she wastful type thing) nothing will happen he gets away with it.
Last if they can prove he was trying to tap her phones then he goes to jail does not collect $200.
PS I know how the system works how many trails have you been to? Ive seen it fail again and again and again!
James O'Keefe and his criminal bodies are and will be a heros for the right wing nuts. After all, Oliver North (who lied and convicted of many crimes) and G. Gordon Liddy (who is burgler spend years in jail) are rockstars in the right wing circuits. They have very successful talk-shows and have thousands followers.
What? I don't get you guys. I never said I was making excuses or tring to. I am just telling you how if he has a good lawyer how he can get away with it.
If you don't like the system change it and stop whining about it. I've been tring for a long time!
The truly hypocritical thing is, of course, that if Michael Moore took anything half as far as this little asshole has, Repugnicans would be going absolutely batshit and demanding that he be immediately tried, convicted and incarcerated at Guantanamo.

Because that's all the kid really is - A cheap, morally-blind Michael Moore copycat, except that he's on "The Other Side". All he understands are the publicity-stunt tactics, not the points being made.




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