TBD on Ning

ADRIAN, Mich. (AP) — Federal agents conducted raids over the weekend in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio and arrested at least three people, the F.B.I. said Sunday. A militia leader in Michigan
said the target of at least one of the raids had been a Christian
militia group.

Police officers guarded a home in Clayton, Mich., on Sunday after a raid. Federal officials have arrested at least three people.

Federal warrants were sealed, but an F.B.I. spokeswoman, Sandra Berchtold, said there had been activity in two southeast Michigan
counties near the Ohio state line. She would not say whether they were
tied to the raids in the other states.

Scott Wilson, an F.B.I. spokesman in Cleveland, said agents arrested two people on Saturday after raids in two towns in Ohio. A third arrest was
made in northeast Illinois on Sunday, a day after a raid took place
just over the border in northwest Indiana.

Michael Lackomar, a spokesman for the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia, said one of his team leaders got a telephone call on Saturday
evening from members of Hutaree, a Christian militia group, who said
their property in southeast Michigan was being raided by the U.S." class="meta-org"">Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and....

“They said they were under attack by the A.T.F. and wanted a place to hide,” Mr. Lackomar said. “My team leader said, ‘No thanks.’ ”

(Full article)


(Another one)



Tags: America, Christian, domestic, militia, terrorism

Views: 25

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If their group is as lame as their website, Barney Fife could have gone to bring them in and saved the Feds some money.
After the Miami "Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight" and the "Brooklyn Bridge Terrorist"...I haven't much faith in our 'home grown terrorist' department of HLS either. Time will tell, however. Sheesh...even a blindfolded man, pointed in the right direction, is BOUND to hit the dart board now and then...if for no other reason that 1) the odds will eventually be on HIS side and 2) blind luck does work occasionally.
I just wish people would realize that words have consequences.


FBI warns extremist letters may encourage violence

By EILEEN SULLIVAN and DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer Eileen Sullivan And Devlin Barrett, Associated Press Writer – Fri Apr 2, 7:06 am ET
WASHINGTON – An intelligence note obtained by The Associated Press is warning police officials that an anti-government group's call to remove dozens of sitting governors may encourage others to act out violently.

A group that calls itself the Guardians of the free Republics has a plan to "restore America" by peacefully dismantling parts of the government, according to its Web site.

As of March 31, more than 30 governors have received letters demanding they leave office within three days or they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

Investigators do not see threats of violence in the group's message, but fear the broad call for removing top state officials could inspire others to act out violently
They do. They just don't care.
This is the problem.....Making light of these dangerous groups only helps to fuel their fire. There are many nut cases among religious fanatics who seem to want to blow peoples heads off.......this is serious stuff, not at all funny.

A world full of religious fanatics is NOT the kind of world I want to live in..The more they succeed in getting what they want through intimidation the more they want..The stricter life rules will become....

Pretty soon dancing wont even be allowed in night clubs, etc, etc, etc, but you can rest assured not every pleasure will be gone...We will still have Big Macs, but our freedoms will be up a barrel of a gun.
"Sorry to break the news....they've been here for thousands of years already"....

No Kidding sherlock........The world is not FULL of them yet...Thank-goodness..
Lovely happenings in the name of Christ. Sheeeeeshhh, this country is out of control.
Naw...just a sign of the times. Not much different...or worse...than other times in our violent past. To paraphrase "....the morons will always be with you..."
I live about 70 miles North of Colorado Springs. The Springs is a town about as Conservative Christian as a place can be. Focus on the Family is headquartered out of there, and there are several Mega-Churches that boast congregations of over 10,000, so I've known my share of Christian Conservatives.
That being said, this story reeks of bias. There is a tremendous tendency to lump all Christians into the militia category. I especially like the way the tags on this are america, christian, domestic, militia, terrorism like they're all synonymous.
There is a tremendous tendency to lump all Christians into the militia category.

Which is SO unlike the American tendency to lump all Muslims into the terrorist category...
OMG, what would Buddha freakin' do?

I'm as close as the same 70 miles or so I am from the Springs. Ted Haggard copped to scoring Meth from some hustler. I have read that Ted denied having an affair with the guy, and that a polygraph indicated he was telling the truth. I don't know. I'm a former hippie kid from Boulder, and quit going to church when I was old enough to start getting laid out of bars.

As far as "most of us here are intelligent enough to figure out these people are more wingnuts who are using religion to promote their crazy cause of power and control", I'm not buying it. People like sweeping generalities. All my Christian friends feel like the left views them as "crazy, crazy, Christians", and all my commie athiest friends feel like conservative Christians look down on them.

Of course, this is a sweeping generality, and I only said what I did originally for arguments sake.
The left would be most of my socially conscious acquaintances who feel that most problems can be solved by big government. The right would be those acquaintances who feel that government intrusion into anything other than defense and highway building is wrong.

Then you got guys like me. Prairie populists, that think you're all entertaining.




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