Get ready to turn your clocks and watches back again. August 1st at 3 A.M.,our nation's time will go back 3 hours to midnight. It's Moonlight Savings time now folks for what now is an indefinite time period. It might be a permanent change if the result proves as encouraging as scientists believe. Years of scientific research has convinced Congress the overwhelming benefits this will have on our country.
More nocturnal activities will bring modern day families closer together. Romance and lovemaking "by the light of the silvery moon"will thrive once again. President Obama's unprecedented remarks about how this moonlight serenade will affect our citizens will be carefully scrutinized. There is strong evidence that crime will be curtailed in every culture of our society. Even Lindsay Lohan might benefit.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man unlikely to have temptation eyes. Nightclub owners across our great nation have applauded this timely decision. Things that go bump in the night could not be reached for comment. Sleep well my friends.