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My accountant made a statement that disturbed me regarding getting a college education in America. I was complaining about the cost of a private college education ($35k-$50k/yr) which to me is outrageous. He looked at me in the eye and said, "A college education is a PRIVILEGE not a RIGHT." I'm sure that he feels the same way about health care. I do not agree with this statement. I think any student who works his or her ass off for the four years of high school and scores well academically and on standardized tests should be ENTITLED to have the best education regardless of family income. Why should that child suffer because of circumstances beyond his or her control...dead beat dads, irresponsible parenting, parental illiteracy, homelessness, etc.

Tags: college education

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As long as we live in a culture that commodifies everything, that places a price on things that should not be treated that way - That's the way it's going to be.

We live in a rapidly decaying, capitalism-devouring-itself culture, not a meritocracy.

I guess a lot of those kids can wait until they are adults to go like I did.  At least when you're older you have more of an appreciation for the kind of debt you are going to be putting yourself into.
I think what we need to realize in this country is that not everybody needs to go to college.  Those who do go should be able to do so without incurring a huge debt

But, the problem is in deciding who needs to go to college and when. Many who are capable of obtaining a college education do not have the discipline or desire required until later in life.

If the reports I read about how we compare to other indistralized countries in the realm of education are true, we better figure it out pretty quickly.  

It should be a right. But how to make it so is not easy to resolve.

Fair criterion should be set for scholarship based on merit and financial need.


One of the reasons I love the Ivy league colleges is that they are very generous with their grants and scholarship probably because of their huge endowment. I know if the combined family income is $75k or less, a qualified student could be educated for free at Harvard or Dartmouth.


If a student maintains a GPA of 90 and above for all 4 yrs of high school and scores 1300+ on the (critical reading & math) SAT, they should at least be exempted from paying tuition. (Perhaps colleges can charge them for room and board). Even if they come from a crutty high school, the fact that they can maintain their avg and score that well on the SAT demonstrates a steadfast drive to succeed.

I don't think college is a privilege but I do think that students should be willing to pay the price and be prepared for being there. That means applying yourself by earning the skills to complete your college endeavor. Expenses are always relative to the times. If you want to go to college you have to be willing to pay for it and once you enter college you should have already set yourself up for success there by being a good student in the first twelve grades. I have little sympathy for those who come unprepared.


By the way, I paid my own way through college and graduate school as well. It is not up to your parents to do that for you. The only thing your parents owe you is to set in the work ethic/values --- and kick your tail to pursue a high performance standard in the first free twelve years. If you don't earn  college entrance and the ability to stay there - you don't deserve it. Period!

I feel for the kids that get lost in that make it or don't make it scenario.   

If the primary education system does not adequately prepare students for college and/or parents do not take an active role in their children's education and/or children have a poor family life that is not conducive to getting good grades in high school.....so many ifs.  I suppose I am a little disenchanted with a system that is supposed to educate children, and is instead in some cases a free babysitting service. 

Do you think a 18 year old is ready to make the critical decisions about college? Such as; what to choose as a major. Which college to attend and many other things critical to having a succesful college experience.

Some are and some are not.  I saw plenty of kids who went to college because their parents made them.  They spent all of their time drunk and came to class drunk.  I think for kids like that it would be better for them to go out into the world and see what it's like to take care of yourself and make a living.


But I also saw kids who applied themselves, made dean's list, joined clubs and embraced the experience.  A bunch of the kids I went to school with are in their mid twenties now and have careers and are enjoying their lives as adults in this society.


It totally depends upon the 18 year old you are talking about. 

If a student want college bad enough he or she will find a way. There is already a rise in the number who come unprepared and expect the professors to give them credit for work that is sub par. Many students come without writing and research skills or perhaps a math and science deficit. However, there are ways to compensate in order to overcome that in the way of labs, tutoring, and professor's office hours. I would recommend smaller colleges and community colleges for those who may struggle at first. Also there are a number ways to bring ones skills up to standard by taking bonehead courses or going on line and practicing from the various homework sites. I think problems actually start from childhood when basic skills don't get mastered and students are passed on to the next grade when they not ready or able to perform at the next grade level.

I think problems actually start from childhood when basic skills don't get mastered and students are passed on to the next grade when they not ready or able to perform at the next grade level.


I agree.  I took remedial courses at a community college before I went on to university.  


Many students come without writing and research skills or perhaps a math and science deficit.

Do you think this is something that should have been addressed perhaps in middle or high school?  Or is this something that should be the student's responsibility?




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