TBD on Ning

Can you remember the first field trip that you went on with a group?  Was it a school group or church or what?  Where did they take you? What kind of vehicles?  What did you see?  Was it fun or were you too young to appreciate any of it?  Not traumatic, I hope.

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Sixth Grade camp. In the San Bernardino Mountains. I remember a couple of the camp counselors sneaking out behind the bushes to make out during our night hike.

8th grade,took a class trip to NYC.it was a gas!

4th grade ~1949 from PS 69 Astoria to the Statue of Liberty by schoolbus.  We could still climb up the arm into the torch those days, most the class chickened out -- too steep and scary.

5th grade.   My teacher had a home out in the country and wanted us city kids to experience that.  Went in a bus.  My first schoolbus ride.  Loved it.  Mountains, back roads, neat.  Finally got there and I remember nothing until the part where our hike in the woods stopped at a tiny brook/rivulet she told us to jump across.  It was probably a foot, foot and a half wide but to me it looked like the Grand Canyon.  Don't remember if I jumped it or they lifted me over it.  I'm pretty sure too that's the first time I heard the word "polliwog."  This teacher also sold World Book Encyclopedias; we got a set and I use it still.  That's where the Look-It-Up Club came from.  But, I digress. . .

High school junior. We went th Nashville for a Beta Club convention. Rode a Grey Hound bus. We stayed two nights in a hotel. It was the first time I had stayed in a hotel.

I went to a Betta Splendens convention ...


We never got to go very far, but I remember a field trip to The Art Institute because we could walk there, and also we once went to a potato chip factory called, Conn's Potato Chips!  It was fun!

btw, Thank you CaliforniaNow, for posting. My Dad (88 yrs old) fractured his hip and surgery was on Friday) He did pretty well considering. His therapy and rehab will be up to 2 months. Thanks to you all. Sorry I didn't get here to explain earlier. You guys are the best!

small jumpy world:  my mom, 89, fell Friday a week ago and had the same (I guess) (did they put a metal thing in it?) surgery the next day.  Are we having fun yet?  Actually, she's doing pretty good, thanks be to God.  Hang in there, kiddo!

my own personal advice from today:  either shut the door or open it and prop it back.  I ran into a door.  I kid you not.  My son's boss from the past used to say, "I just gots to be more careful."  Well, I just gots to either open it or close it!

Yep! That sounds like the surgery he had. A metal post and a ball. His room at the retirement community was pretty small, but there is a small gap between the carpet in the main room and bathroom. He loses feeling in his one foot sometimes and he went down. I felt so bad for him. But the surgery was a success. His attitude may be an obstacle. But the Dr. said it went smoothly.

Yep.  My dad had same.

2nd grade, we took a train from St. Paul to Minneapolis.  It took maybe 10 minutes.




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