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What would be your ideal alternate universe?

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I'm the King and the S.I. swimsuit models are my subjects.

One where it wasn't run by survival of the fittest.

That would be alternate, for sure; completely against the laws of Nature!

Eat and never get fat ...

Everyone was the best self they could be, using all the talents they are granted.

Where beer runs like water..and trucks were never invented

and no bloody Politicians..and the cops only form of transport is a 3 wheeler push bike

and no flat tyes or speeding tickets

I dont no but I want to be able to fly there. Like a bird of prey flys not an airplane.

sidebar-Wen eagles mate they climb to a grate height and mate wile diving at speeds of up to 200 miles per huor.

200 miles hr per hour..huh.....what, no foreplay?

There's gotta be a "spread eagle" joke in there somewhere.

It would have to be forplay on the ascent or crash on the descent Truckie.

Puts a whole new slant to the term "Mile High Club". :-)




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