TBD on Ning

I did not think it was possible to throw a bad party. last night I went to one that was so awkward, I was speechless.  Please I don't want to feel alone, so share your stories. I need a good laugh.

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I invited a couple over for dinner and fell asleep at the table.

Oh No!  I'm curious did they ever get together with you again?

The one we threw in college with the trash can full of fruit juice and PGA, pure grain alcohol. We all ended up in jail and I was sick for days.

I bet you guys laugh about that now.

The one where no one showed up but me.

I went to a halloween party many years ago, I think maybe 6 people showed up.

Some of those ones during my college years. Those frat boys know how to party. Most of them I don't even remember how I got home and what happened to my boxers.

oh wow that's funny.  I love these stories.

it wasn't a great party unless the cops showed up at least 4 times.the keg is floating,time for another one.

I would love to live one day in your childhood, you could write a book about the stuff you and your brothers pulled.

be careful what you wish for.lol

Is this your family?




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