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What's one thing about you that surprises people?

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i'm batman

That I'm nice.    

That I'm really quite shy. If I am in a setting where I am comfortable....with people I know....I am quite social and chatty. But put me in a room with a bunch of strangers and watch me turn into a wallflower real quick. I will do my best to become invisible.


That I'm not as scary as i look.

that one too,i'm a big guy with a beard and long hair,and wear camo in winter.

Don't venture out on a full moon. Someone might mistake you for Bigfoot and take a shot.

I been called bigfoot,i also been called big jesus.kids can be so cruel.

Yes you are MyBubbaDee! scaryscaryscary

I am deadly serious almost all of the time.

you hafta be in this day and age

that little squirt got in more trouble huh?

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