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What is the shadiest, yet legal, way you have ever seen to make a living?

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I don't think Tim's answer can be topped.

I agree lol.. although some salesmen are despicable liars too.

wall street...banker or broker.....at least a hooker gives you SOMETHING for your money ("hey, a few shots and you'll be good as new...honest")

I call Politicians...Political Parasites.

Just saw this on the news the other night when to new IPhone 5 was coming out. There were long lines in front of the Apple store and this guy went down to Skid Row in LA and "hired" a bunch of vagrants to stand in line to purchase the phones. The guy said he'd give them each $20. Well they bought the phones for him and he stiffed them for the twenty bucks. A small riot broke out. A newsman interviewed the creep and he said what he did was perfectly legal. He was going to sell the phones in Asia for ridiculous profits.

I'm hoping the IRS was watching. I'm betting he doesn't report the income.

only in LA,nothing like that ever happens here.

politicians 2nd only tp Televangelists.

Spiritual mediums or channelers.

My government- employed son's furlough lasted a whole 2-1/2 days. Seems now they think several thousand other "non-essential" defense workers aren't "non-essential" anymore. Maybe they need them to man the barricades at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier! ;-)

Hookers in Nevada.




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