TBD on Ning

What is the lamest excuse for bad behavior you've heard?

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Good one, Merry. If I ever bought a dress like that I'd blame it on the devil too!

what did I tell you about wearing dresses so short JB ?

teeee hee


Truth or dare, you could probably get me to wear the dress, it's the hat that is a WTH.

Some guy a few months ago just walked into a local bar/restaurant and opened fire for "NO REASON". FORTUNATELY, a "regular" had been watching the strange behavior of the young man and at first round of shots, (a semi automatic) wrestled him to the ground until police got there. One young man was killed, some other people escaped with minor injuries but it COULD have been much worse. (When they searched the man's truck they found 6 additional guns (NOT HIS). The "LAME EXCUSE" was his girlfriend (of 4 months) and him had an argument VIA text message.

I hope they lock him up and forget where they put their keys!




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