TBD on Ning

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Miss Crabtree,she taught me everything I know.

Yes, Tim......but was she a teacher?? ;-)

I guess I'd have to say Mr. Hussey and Mr. Reynolds. The former taught English, while the latter taught what they called Civics....something they sure should put back into the curriculum.

yea,she was a "civics" teacher.


High school would be Mr. Hansen a Spanish teacher. In college, Dr. Tharp, an chemistry professor. He took it to heart when his students did poorly on exams. In a lecture hall of 300 students he knew everyone's name by the end of the second week of class.

Mrs Smith my 4th and 5th grade teacher. She was fair and always showed that she genuinely cared.

Mr Devore, my biology teacher in high school was passionate and reached out to us challenging us to always be interested.

my shop teacher,mr.lenter,he had six fingers and one thumb,he was pretty cool,he bought me beer and nudie mags.

nah,i'm kidding,me and him would hit the go-go bar after school,back then,the drinking age was 18.

8th grade Mrs. Erickson and 10th grade Mr. Kaplan.  Both very good teachers.


Unlucky experience has taught me the most valuable stuff i know.




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