TBD on Ning

What would you buy if it was exactly like the old ones?  I think I'd get a dial phone.  My ex and I were talking the other day about how we actually missed the action of dialing and the sound when it turned back.  Of course, you'd have to have a regular phone for all that "press 1 to do such and such", but still. . .

What would you get?

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Did they quit making dune buggies or is there just something about that one that you like better than the new ones?

they don't make them like that anymore,actually,they still make the fiberglass bodies (Meyers Manx),but the chassis are pre 1972 VW Beetle chassis,hard to find.

I still have a 71 in my garage.

Always wanted 1 of these when I was a kid but never got 1.  No point in getting 1 now either; got no stairs or steps to use it on, oh well.

Transistor radios...glass pop bottles....so many things

And taking the bottles back to the store for a 3 cent refund.

1960's and 1970's dirt bikes. Huskys, Maicos, Bultacos, Hodakas, Jawa CZs, stuff like that.

Klick Klacks! they were awesome.  I think they have been banned.

Carrie, I am unsure of what Klick Klacks are. Can you please tell us what they are? I likely know of them, but it seems to elude my memory at present  :) 


Hard plastic balls on a string. You moved them up and down quickly and they banged together making a click clack noise. It took a lot of practice. I think they were banned because the balls tended to explode.
Nothing worse than exploding balls.
My iPad won't imbed pictures.




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