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What do you listen to as you fall asleep?

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The breathing of my best friend.

That is the best music isn't it LLL?

I have been listening to the fan as of late since it is so hot outside.

MY favorite song!

Got a white noise machine; it'll do rainfall, thunderstorm, or (my fave) surf.

raccoons fighting with skunks.

I have tinnitus and sleep apnea, I listen to the radio and have it on all night. Any guesses what station and program? Hint, it's the #1 rated late night radio show.

I forgot to mention what usually wakes me up is 2 cats fighting right outside our bedroom door.

I also have tinnitus so I go to sleep listening to the ringing in my ears. I use an app on my phone or iPad for white noise sometimes. Usually the ocean sounds.

the neighbors going at it.

My wife snoring... errr, ahhh, I mean music to my ears.

Nothing, we moved out of the city and it is very  quiet.  Once in awhile I will hear the neighbor's horse running, very cool sound.

clippity clop




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