TBD on Ning

Hope you have a great birthday!!!

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Wishing you a grand day!

Hope your day is filled with only good things!

I wish you a very Happy Birthday TornadoWoman

filled with lots of surprises and much joy!

Thank you ALL for the Happy Birthday wishes!  I had a wonderful 75th birthday.  I participated in the Cinco de Mayo 5K here in Houston on Saturday, and I won a first place age group award in the 70+ age group, and I saw a lot of my running friends that I haven't seen in a long time!


You sure motivate the rest of us.  I'm trying to get back to walking everyday.  Weather hasn't been in my favor, but I'll be up to 2 miles a day by next week.  I'm smarter this year and I'm taking it a little slower.  Save the sore feet. :) 

Thank you Maria.  I don't frequent TBD unless I see a message in my inbox. 

I hope to see you come over to Boomerville one of these days soon!!


ya look like a rock and rollband.

Tim, TW keeps me motivated to keep walking.  I can't run because of a bad ankle, but walking helped me take off a bunch of weight last summer.  Now I get to get it off again after this cold winter we had.  I take the baby with me and we get lots of smiles walking up Main St. 

I guess we do, Tim - I hadn't thought about that!!!




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