The Ideal Place To Be
Let me ponder where is the ideal place to be.
Perhaps a small little cottage in the country with trees.
How about a nice breezy place down by the water.
There might also be an apartment with lots of friends.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
What do we need to be in this ideal place
A need for security of freedom, home,happiness and love.
Just some basics will do to keep you going smoothly.
A roof over your head with food water and clothing.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
What might be some required needs in this place.
A place without prejudice to anyone or anything alive.
Respect of each others rights to be able to live.
No controlling of other peoples needs and freedom to live.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
Why would I want a perfect place or would I want one
Deciding on a perfect place takes a lot of planning.
It seems that everything would be in the same order.
No with choices.one would ever be an individual
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
Who if anyone at all will be there with me
Our love and respect for each other will be mutual.
We will like and or share each others interests joyfully.
Someone who likes me as much as I like them
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
When I am ready to allow myself to trust again.
Trust must be earned but it must also be given.
Sometimes being fooled or tricked only makes us much stronger.
You really can go on and trust the world again.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love.
Why would I even let anyone in that door again.
It is sad when the door to your heart closes.
Opening it up could let in more hurt and resentment.
If you take no chance you will be so alone.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love
Will this place ever exist
When you make enough room to remove the unhappy clutters.
This place could exist in your heart for your love.
This place will exist in your heart for your love.
The best place really is with someone with mutual love
All I have to say is good by to an interesting year indeed!
© 2008 Julia A Knaake